出版时间:2013-5 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:《GCT入学资格考试应试指导》编审委员会
丛书序言 前言 第一章词汇 第一节名词 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第二节动词 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第三节形容词 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第四节副词 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第五节词组与固定搭配 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第六节配套强化练习与提高 第二章基础语法 第一节时态和语态 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第二节代词和介词 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第三节副词和形容词 基本概念和考点综述 第四节强调句型 基本概念和考点综述 第五节倒装句 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第六节连接结构 基本概念和考点综述 第七节情态动词 基本概念和考点综述 第八节名词性从句 基本概念和考点综述 第九节定语从句 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第十节状语从句 基本概念和考点综述 第十一节主谓一致 基本概念和考点综述 第十二节虚拟语气 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第十三节非谓语动词 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 第十四节配套强化练习与提高 第三章阅读理解 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 配套强化练习与提高 第四章完形填空 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 配套强化练习与提高 第五章会话技能 基本概念和考点综述 历年真题与解析 配套强化练习与提高
版权页: The night is not what it was. Once, the Earth was cast half in shadow. Then camefire, candle, and light bulb, gradually drawing back the curtain of darkness. But abrighter world has its drawbacks. An estimated 30 percent of outdoor lighting-plus even some indoor lighting-iswasted. Inefficient lighting costs U.S. about $10.4 billion a year, according to Bob Gent ofthe International Dark-Sky Association, a nonprofit that aims to control light pollution. Last year in Sydney, an estimated 2.2 million Australians switched off their lightsduring "Earth Hour", briefly reducing that city's energy use by more than 10 percent.Motivated by such trends, more than two dozen cities worldwide went dim on March29 this year in an hour-long demonstration. A number of groups are trying to measure light pollution and assess its effects onthe environment in the hope that people will reduce their own contribution to theproblem. Scientists are trying to report how many stars we can see. In dark rural areas,about 2,000 stars are typically visible at night, compared with "maybe five" in a brightcity square-and about 5,000 in centuries past. People who are working while others are star-gazing may face the greatest risks.Nighttime exposure to white light can cause the growth of tumors (肿瘤) , experiments show. Two decades of research indicates that women who work night shifts haveunusually high rates of breast cancer. (1) The word "drawbacks" in the first paragraph probably means___. A. benefits B. interests C. effects D. problems (2) The International Dark-Sky Association is an organization that __. A. strongly opposes outdoor lighting service B. has lost some money in energy trade C. has profited from the lighting business D. makes efforts to reduce light pollution (3) On March 29 this year, people in many cities around the world __. A. turned out some lights for an hour B. organized an event to have some fun C. held a demonstration called "Earth Hour" D. joined together to compete with Australians (4) Scientists counted the number of stars __. A. to illustrate the impact of light pollution B. to compare air quality in different areas C. to see how the sky has changed with time D. to arouse public interest in space (5) People who work at night __. A. lose the chance to gaze stars B. have a higher risk of health problem C. have less exposure to white light D. are to blame for light pollution.