
出版时间:2013-1-1  出版社:机械工业出版社华章公司  作者:H. H. Tan,S. H. Or,Marian M. Y. Choy  页数:542  


H.H.Tan,T.B.D'Orazio,S.H.Or Marian


作者:(美国)坦(H.H.Tan) (美国)S.H.Or (美国)Marian M.Y.Choy  坦(H.H.Tan),目前供职于Morrison Knudsen公司,T.B.D'Orazio目前是旧金山州立大学土木工程专业负责人。他们是本书所基于的《CProgramming for Engineering and Compt Jter Science》的原著者。新加入的开发本书的两位作者是S.H.Or博士和MarianM.Y.Choy博士。 S.H.Or,香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系电脑游戏技术中心创始人和项目主管。他于1998年获得香港中文大学博士学位,为大学一年级学生讲授程序设计课程近20年。他的研究兴趣是计算机图形学、计算机视觉、多媒体和游戏开发。他是IEEE和ACM会员。 Marian M.Y.Choy,香港大学工程学院教学顾问。她热爱教学并且积极参与教学活动。她拥有澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士学位。研究兴趣是计算机教育、自适应技术和图像处理。


About the Autho
Chapter1 Programming Fundamentals
Lesson1.1 Programming Languages
1.1.1 Assembly Language
1.1.2 High Level Languages
Lesson1.2 Software Engineering
1.2.1 Top-down Modular Design
Lesson1.3 The C Language, ANSI C and C Compile
1.3.1 C and ANSI C
1.3.2 ProgramDevelopment
Lesson1.4 Using Bits to Represent Characte and
Symbols, Intege, Real
Numbe, Addresses and Itructio
1.4.1 Characte and Symbols
1.4.2 Intege
1.4.3 Real Numbe
1.4.4 Hexadecimal and Octal Notatio
Lesson1.5 About This Textbook and How to Get The Most
Out of It
1.5.1 The Lesson
1.5.2 The Application Programs
Lesson1.6 Basic Structure
Lesson1.7 Formatting Output
Lesson1.8 More Escape Sequences
Lesson1.9 Basic Debugging
Chapter Review
Chapter2 Variables, Arithmetic Expressio and Input/Output
Lesson2.1 Variables: Naming, Declaring, Assigning and
Printing Values
Lesson2.2 Arithmetic Operato and Expressio
Lesson2.3 Reading Data from the Keyboard
Lesson2.4 Cotant Macros and More About Printing
Variable Values
Lesson2.5 Mixed Type Arithmetic, Compound Assignment,
Precedence and Type Casting
Chapter Review
Chapter3 The Basics of C - Math Functio and Character File
Lesson3.1 Math Library Functio
Lesson3.2 Single Character Data
Lesson3.3 Reading Data From a File
Lesson3.4 Writing Output To a File
Application Program3.1 Area Calculation -
Compound Operato and
Application Exercises
Chapter Review
Chapter4 Beginning Decision Making and Looping
Lesson4.1 If Control Structure and Relational
Lesson4.2 Simple If-Else Control Structures
Lesson4.3 Nested If-Else Control Structures
Lesson4.4 Logical Expressio
Lesson4.5 Precedence of Logical Operato
Lesson4.6 Switch and If-Else-If Control
Lesson4.7 While Loop (1)
Lesson4.8 While Loop (2)
Lesson4.9 Do-While Loops
Lesson4.10 Simple For Loop
Lesson4.11 Nested For Loops
Application Program4.1 Girder Inteection -
If-Else Control Structure
Application Program4.2 Area Calculation - For
Application Program4.3 Temperature Unit
Conveio - For Loop
Application Program4.4 Temperature Unit
Conveio - Loop and If-Else
Control Structure
Application Program4.5 Simulation
Application Program4.6 Engineering
Economics - Nested For Loops
Application Program4.7 Solving a Quadratic
Equation - If-Else Control Structure
(Numerical Method Example)
Application Exercises
Chapter Review
Chapter5 Functio
Lesson5.1 Functio That Do Not Return a Value
Lesson5.2 Functio That Return Just One Value
Lesson5.3 Scope and Mechanics of Passing Values to
Lesson5.4 Functio That "Return" More Than One
Lesson5.5 Mechanics of "Returning" More Than One Value
from a Function
Addresses and Pointer Variables
Application Program5.1 Using Functio With
Complex Loops and Working with Grids (a Logic Example)
Application Program5.2 Modular
ProgramDesign - Area of Parallelogram,
Volume of Parallelepiped (Numerical Method
Application Exercises
Chapter Review
Chapter6 Numeric Arrays
Lesson6.1 Introduction to -D Arrays and Printing Array
Lesson6.2 Array Initialisation
Lesson6.3 Basic Array Input/Output
Lesson6.4 Multidimeional Arrays
Lesson6.5 Functio and Arrays
Lesson6.6 Bubble Sort, Exchange Maximum Sort and
Exchange Minimum Sort*
Application Program6.1 Deriving a -bit
Adder from Sixteen -Bit Adde
Application Program6.2 Mean and Median of
Measured Wave Heights (Numerical Method Example)
Application Program6.3 Matrix-Vector
Multiplication (Numerical Method Example)
Application Program6.4 Searching and File
Application Exercises
Chapter Review
Chapter7 Strings and Pointe
Lesson7.1 Declaring, Initialising and Printing Strings
and Undetanding Memory Arrangement
Lesson7.2 Determining Information About Strings and
Characte and Using Prinff
Lesson7.3 -D Character Arrays
Lesson7.4 Reading Strings from The Keyboard and Files
Lesson7.5 Pointer Variables Veus Array Variables
Lesson7.6 Initialising Within a Declaration
Lesson7.7 Passing Strings to User-Defined
Lesson7.8 Standard Character String Functio
Lesson7.9 Pointer Notation Veus Array Notation
Lesson7.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation
ProgramDevelopment Methodology
Application Program7.1 Pipe Fluid
Velocity, Checking Input Data and Modular Design
Application Program7.2 Earthquake
Anecdotal Report Analysis, String
Operatio and Dynamic Storage Allocation
Application Exercises
Chapter Review
Chapter8 Structures and Large ProgramDesign
Part I: Data Structures
Structures in C
Lesson8.1 Structures
Lesson8.2 Structure Membe
Lesson8.3 Pointe to Struc~res
Lesson8.4 Structures and Functio
Lesson8.5 Arrays of Structures
Part II: Advanced Programming Techniques
Lesson8.6 Functio With One Recuive Call
Lesson8.7 Creating Header Files
Lesson8.8 Use of Multiple Source Code Files and Storage
Lesson8.9 Bitwise Manipulatio
Application Program8.1 Sorting - Quicksort
Chapter Review
Chapter9 An Introduction to C++ (Online Chapter)
Appendix A
Appendix B


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