
出版时间:2012-11  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:Kenneth H.Rosen  页数:944  






preface iv
about theauthor xiii
the companion website xiv
to the studentxvi
list of symbols xix
1 the foundations:logic and proofs
1.1 propositional logic
1.2 applications of propositional logic
1.3 propositional equivalences
1.4 predicates andquantifiers
1.5 nested quantifiers
1.6 rules of inference
1.7 introduction to proofs
1.8 proofmethods and strategy
2 basic structures:sets,functions,sequences,sums,and
2.1 sets
2.2 set operations
2.3 functions
.2.4 sequences and summations
2.5 cardinality of sets
2.6 matrices
3 algorithms
3.1 algorithms
3.2 the growth of functions
3.3 complexity of algofithms
end-of-chapter material
4 number theory and cryptography
4.1 divisibilitv andmodular arithmetic
4.2 integer representations andalgorithms
4.3 primesand greatest common divisors
4.4 solving congruences
4.5 applications of congruences
4.6 cryptography
end-of-chapter material
5 induction and recursion
5.1 mathematical induction
5.2 strong induction and well-ordering
5.3 recursive definitions and structural induction
5.4 recursive algorithms
5.5 program correctness
end-of-chapter material
6 counting
6.1 tlle basics of counting
6.2 the pigeonhole principle
6.3 permutations and combinations
6.4 binomial coefficients and identities
6.5 generalized permutations and combinations
6.6 generating permutations and combinations
end-of-chapter material
7 discrete probability
7.1 an introduction to discrete probability
7.2 probability theory
7.3 bayes’theorem
7.4 expected value and variance
end-of-chapter material
8 advanced counring technigues
8.1 applications of recurrence relations
8.2 solving linear recurrence relations
8.3 divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrence
8.4 generating functions
8.5 inclusion-exclusion
8.6 applications of inclusion-exclusion
end—of-chapter material
9 relations
9.1 relations and their properties
9.2 n-ary relations and theirapplications
9.3 representing relations
9.4 closures of relations
9.5 equivalence relations
9.6 partial orderings
end-of-chapter material
10 graphs
10.1 graphs andgraphmodels
10.2 graph terminology and special types of graphs
10.3 representing graphs and graph isomorphism
10.4 connectivity
10.5 eulerandhamiltonpaths
10.6 shortest.pathproblems
10.7 planargraphs
10.8 graphcoloring
end-of-chapter material
11 trees
11.1 introduction to trees
11.2 applications of trees
11.3 tree travcrsal
11.4 spanning trees
11.5 minimum spanning trees
end-of-chapter material
12 boolean algebra
12.1 boolean functions
12.2 representing boolean functions
12.3 logic gates
12.4 minimization of circuits
end-of-chapter material
13 modeling cornputation
13.1 languagesand grammars
13.2 finite-state machines with output
13.3 finite-state machines with no output
13.4 languagerecognition
13.5 turing machines
end-of-chapter material
1 axioms for the real numbers and the positive
2 exponential and logarithmic functions
3 pseudocode
suggestedreadings b-1
answers to odd-numbered exercises s-1
photo credits c-1
index ofbiographies i-1
index i-2




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用户评论 (总计31条)


  •   英文版上课不想带,太大本,现在还是白白的一本
  •   学校用的教材,很详细。
  •   书的质量有问题,棱都裂了,幸亏还不影响看。物流太差了,竟然用了20天
  •   当当网发书很快,书的品质也一直不错,买书**当网还是比较合算的。
  •   还挺不错的喔。外面还包着包装纸
  •   英文原版的,很值得大家看,比较厚,需要时间慢慢读
  •   这个要好好学习。
  •   书比较厚,内容很好,刚开始看,觉得很有意思,也很容易懂。惟一的缺点是,字太小了,太小了,看久了眼睛累~
  •   用做课本,写的很详细
  •   还没看完,不过质量还行
  •   书很厚 不错 物流也很快 书里的字有点笑 黑白的
  •   字比较小,书上没有习题答案,如果有习题答案更好
  •   非常好呢~~~
  •   世上无难事只怕有心人
  •   经典的教材值得反复学习,主要字太小了,价格过高
  •   就是还行。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
  •   Classic book, easy to understand, almost everything is good, except the paper is too thin. It's pretty much disturbing to worry about the ink of my high-lighter penetrating to the other side of paper.Another thing I cannot understand is that all the biographies have been translated into Chinese. WT...? It's weird to happen to see some Chinese words among English characters in an English version book. Or do you publishers think those who cannot read English would be attracted to buy this book just for those translated biographies of mathematician? It's ridiculous.
  •   本来买的是第六版的中文版,实在翻译的不行,刚好看到英文版,买回来,不错,例子多容易懂。
  •   印刷质量和纸张都很好,就是字小了点
  •   很好的一本书,例子多,详细,易懂
  •   内容很全面,举了大量的例子,虽然是英文的,但看下来没有什么特别不解的地方。比较厚,大概1000页左右。字体偏小,不太习惯。内容比较浅显,有些内容好像没有深入涉及。
  •   真吊,看英文版的真爽!
  •   正版,价格还差不多的
  •   老师说知识点挺全的。
  •   书很符合要求,快递很给力,很不错
  •   自学使用 看起来还是有点困难 慢慢来呗~~~
  •   书的内容就不评论了,还没看完。书的质量还好,包装没有损坏,除了有一点折了。
  •   还没打开仔细阅读,但是书质量还可以,经典教材
  •   印刷还好,也没有什么味道。快递不错,貌似没有扔过。
  •   虽然不是末日武器用的,嗯
  •   内容很好。缺点纸张质量不怎么样。

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