
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:崔秀敏 主编  页数:258  


I. Intensive Reading(精读课文)、Section II. Grammar(语法精讲)、Section III.
Applied Writing(实用文体写作)和Section IV. Reading


Unit One Language Learning
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Asking the Way
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     The Pleasure of Learning
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Disjunctive Questions(反意疑问句)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Letter of Request (请求信)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 Learning Foreign Languages
  Passage 2 How I Became a Successful Language Learner
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       Broadway
Unit Two Job-hunting
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Travel by Air
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     Enthusiasm Leads to Success
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        The Emphatic Pattern (强调句型)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Application Letter (求职信)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 Eight Ways to Sidestep Hidden Job-hunting Hazards
  Passage 2 Top Ten Tips for Career Fair Success
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       An Uncomfortable Trip
Unit Three Internet
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Shopping
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     The Impact of the Internet on Our
Daily Life
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Verb Tense Ⅰ (时态一)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Certificate (证明信)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 Tips on Online Shopping
  Passage 2 Online Shopping
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       About Shopping
Unit Four American Culture
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking   Going to Clinic
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     Why People Move to the United
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Verb Tense Ⅱ (时态二)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Recommendation Letter (推荐信)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 American Customs and Habits
  Passage 2 Table Manners
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       Medicine in the U.S.
Unit Five Family Life
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Hotel
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     What do Parents Owe Their
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Verb Tense Ⅲ (时态三)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Letter of Complaint (投诉信)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 The "Other Woman" in My Life
  Passage 2 A Long Walk Home
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       About Reservation
Mid-term Test
Unit Six Environmental Protection
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  At the Restaurants
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     Focus on Global Warming
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Verb Tense Ⅳ(时态四)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Letter of Introduction (介绍信)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 The Green Lifestyles
  Passage 2 Global Warming
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       Making a Toast
Unit Seven Creativity
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Making Telephone Call
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     Developing Your Personal
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        The Past Future Indefinite (过去将来时)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Resume (简历)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 Thought Expanders: A New Thinking Product
  Passage 2 People Are Notes Pegs
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       Telephone Number in the U.S
Unit Eight Advertisement
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Post Office
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     Background of Today's
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Subject Clauses (主语从句)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Job Advertisement (招聘广告)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 TV Advertising Continuing to Flourish
  Passage 2 Advertising: The Selling of a Product
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       EMS
Unit Nine Travel
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Career Planning
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     Rest Areas on Highways
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Predicative Clauses (表语从句)
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Notice (通知与启示)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 Have A Safe Trip!
  Passage 2 Business Travel to New York
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       The Keys to Career Planning
Unit Ten Political Events
 Section Ⅰ. Listening and Speaking  Job Interview
 Section Ⅱ. Intensive Reading     The Boston Tea Party
 Section Ⅲ. Grammar        Object Clause & Appositive
 Section Ⅳ. Applied Writing      Instructions (说明书)
 Section Ⅴ. Reading Practice
  Passage 1 Space Race
  Passage 2 The "Unsinkable" Titanic Went Down
 Section Ⅵ. Cultural Tips       The Changing American
Final Test



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