
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:(英)戴维斯 等主编  页数:315  




编者:(英国)A.G.戴维斯 (英国)J.M.T.汤普森


PREFACEINTRODUCTION1.THE SHAPE OF CARBON: NOVEL MATERIALS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY1 Introduction.2 New Carbon Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Carbon Onions, Nanotubes, Etc2.1 Fnllerene discovery and bulk synthesis2.2 From giant fullerenes to graphitic onions2.3 Carbon nanotubes2.3.1 Identification and structure of carbonnanotubes2.3.2 Carbon nanotube production methods2.3.3 Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes2.3.4 Electronic properties of carbon nanotubes2.3.5 Thermal properties of carbon nanotubes2.3.6 Carbon nanocones2.3.7 Negatively curved graphite: Helices, toroids, and schwarzites2.3.8 Haeckelites3 The Future of Carbon Nanostructures: Applications and Emerging Technologies3.1Field emission sources3.2 Scanning probe tips3.3 Li ion batteries3.4 Electrochemical devices: Supercapacitors and actuators3.5 Molecular sensors3.6 Carbon-carbon nanocomposites: Joining and connecting carbon nanotubes3.7 Gas and hydrogen storage3.8 Nanotube electronic devices3.9 Biological devices3.10 Nanotube polymer composites3.11 Nanotube ceramic composites3.12 Layered coated nanotubes4 Conclusions and Future Work2. INORGANIC NANOWIRES1 Introduction2 Synthesis of High Aspect Ratio Inorganic Nanostructures2.1Low-temperature chemical vapor deposition of siliconnanowires2.2Synthesis of RuO2 nanorods in solution2.3 Physical methods for the synthesis of SiC nanorods and NiS-MoS2 nanowires3 Outlook3. MULTILAYERED MATERIALS: A PALETTE FOR THE MATERIALS ARTIST1 Introduction2 Multilayers3 Electron Microscopy4 Hard Coatings4.1 TiN/NbN multilayers: A case where plastic flow is confined within each layer……4. NATURE AS CHIEF ENGINEER5.SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY: THE "BOTTOM-UP" APPROACH TO NANOSCALE SYSTEMS6.MOLECULAR SELF-ASSEMBLY: A TOOLKIT FOR ENGINEERING AT THE NANOMETER SCALE7.EXPLORING TUNNEL TRANSPORT THROUGH PROTEIN AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL8.TWO FRONTIERS OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING:SIZE AND FREQUENCY9. ERASABLE ELECTROSTATIC LITHOGRAPHY TO FABRICATE QUANTUM DEVICES10.ULTRAFAST NANOMAGNETS: SEEING DATA STORAGE IN A NEW LIGHT11.NEAR-FIELD MICROSCOPY: THROWING LIGHT ON THE NANOWORLD12.SMALL THINGS BR,IGHT AND BEAUTIFUL:SINGLE MOLECULE FLUORESCENCE DETECTION


版权页:插图:Nanotechnology and engineering at the nanometer scale has considerablyadvanced over the past few years, but despite many successes, the field isstill in its infancy.A myriad of techniques to f'abricate fascinating functionalnanometer-scale complexes has been developed, including several DNA-based nanostructures. However, many of their properties, including elec-trical, magnetjc, catalytic, and optical properties, inter have not yetbeen studied systematically or in great.detail. In additicu although manyof these complexes can generally befabricated in largB numbers, genericand reliable ways of interconnecting them into larger, multi-functionalnetworks.





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