
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:John C. Hull  页数:501  译者:王勇,袁俊  




作者:(加拿大)约翰·赫尔(John C .Hull) 合著者:(加拿大)王勇 (加拿大)袁俊


第1章 导言
第2章 银行
第3章 保险公司和养老基金
第4章 共同基金和对冲基金
第5章 金融产品
第6章 交易员如何管理风险暴露
第7章 利率风险
第8章 风险价值度
第9章 波动率
第10章 相关系数与copula函数
第11章 银行管理条约、《新巴塞尔协议》和偿付217能力法案ⅱ
第12章 市场风险:历史模拟法
第13章 市场风险:模型构建法
第14章 信用风险:估测违约概率
第15章 信用风险损失和信用风险价值度
第16章 资产抵押证券、债务抵押债券及2007年信用紧缩
第17章 情景分析和压力测试
第18章 操作风险
第19章 流动性风险
第20章 模型风险
第21章 经济资本金与raroc
第22章 重大金融损失和借鉴意义
附录a 利率复利频率
附录b 零息利率、远期利率及零息收益率
附录c 远期合约和期货合约的定价
附录d 互换合约定价
附录e 欧式期权定价
附录f 美式期权定价
附录g 泰勒级数展开
附录h 特征向量和特征值
附录i 主成分分析法
附录j 对信用转移矩阵的处理


版权页:插图:The McFadden Act was passed in 1927 and amended in 1933.This act had the effectof restricting all banks from opening branches in more than one state.This restrictionapplied to nationaHy chartered as well as state.chartered banks.One way of gettinground the McFadden Act was to establish a multibank homing companV.This is acompany that acquires more than one bank as a subsidiary.By l956。there were 47multibank holding companies.This led to the Douglas Amendment to the BankHolding Company Act.This did not allow a multibank holding company to acquirea bank in a state that prohibited out.of-state acquisitions. However.acquisitions priorto 1 956 were grandfathered fthat is.multibank holding companies did not have todispose of acquisitions made prior to 1956).Banks are creative in finding ways around regulations——particularly when it isprofitable for them to do so.After 1956。one approach was to forill a one.bank holdingcompany.This is a holding company with a iust one bank as a subsidiary and a numberof nonbank subsidiaries in difierent states from the bank.The nonbank subsidiariesoffered financial services such as consumer finance,data processing,and 1easing andwere able to create a presence for the bank in other states.The l970 Bank Holding Companies Act restricted the activities of one.bankholding companies.They were only allowed to engage in activities that were closelyrelated to banking. and acquisitions by them were subiect to approval by the FederalReserve. They had to divest themselves of acquisitions that did not conform to the actby 1980.After 1 970.the interstate banking restrictions started to disappear.Individual statespassed I aws allowing banks from other states to enter and acquire 10cal banks.rMainewas the first to do so in 1 978.1 Some states allowed free entry of other banks. Someallowed banks from other states to enter only if there were reciprocal agreements.(Thismeans that state A allowed banks from state B to enter only if state B allowed banksfrom state A to do so.1 In some cases,groups of states developed regional banking pactsthat allowed interstate banking.In l 994,the US Congress passed the Riegel-Neal Interstate Banking and BranchingEfficiency Act.This act led to full interstate banking becoming a reality.It permittedbank holding companies to acquire branches in other states.It invalidated state lawsthat allowed interstate banking on a reciprocal or regional basis.Starting in 1997.bankholding companies were allowed to convert out.of-state subsidiary banks into branchesof a single bank.Many people argue that this type of consolidation is necessary toenable US banks to be large enough to compete internationally.The Riegel-Neal Actprepared the way for a wave of consolidation in the US banking system (for example,the acquisition bV J.P.Morgan of banks formerly named Chemical.Chase.BearStearns.and Wshington Mutual).






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  •   英文原版~怪我没看明白了~
  •   原版的就是不一样 不过自己英语差 读着吃力
  •   这本书真的对GMAT备考很有用。我是听学长推荐买的。买了之后发现确实好用。
  •   书是非常不错的,我们的研究生课程教材。很推荐
  •   这本书还行,当当网的送货速度蛮快的,挺好。
  •   影印部分很不错,忠实原版,只是摘译部分有不少纰漏和明显错误
  •   这本书用的纸张质量之差,实在是令人发指,读起来毫无愉悦感可言,可惜了一本好书。
  •   这本书很好,给我比较大帮助
  •   这本书的内容非常好,后悔没有早一点看到这本书。
  •   书裁剪没有裁好,前面有很多黏在一起,纸质也比较薄所以怀疑是盗版,一点都不像是价值五十多块钱的书,如果这是正版那我去支持盗版了。。
  •   为了经典的它。因为约翰赫尔,所以要买这本书。
  •   内个不是说好的中英文双语的嘛,怎么拿到只有目录是双语的,还有评注是中文的其他的都是英文的,都是泪水啊。
  •   不错的书本,已经开始研读了
  •   书本的印刷质量我就不要求了,但是作为新书,至少要是完整的吧,收到的书封面以及前面几页竟然被划开了。没有完整的书,你可以联系我呀,怎吗能够寄本烂书敷衍了事,还收这样多的钱。
  •   英文挺好懂的,建议配一个金融词汇的字典,会非常有帮助。
  •   挺不错的,人大老师推荐的
  •   内容还不错,正版可惜书的封面边角有点破损美中不足
  •     这本教材甚称经典,虽然全英文的内容开始看着有点吃力,慢慢就能够加快速度了。对于企业风险方面的分析都非常到位,案例也不错。在同类书籍中算是非常棒的。至少写书的人不忽悠。
      如果英文水平不好的朋友可以选择中文版的来看,会好理解多了。Let‘s be a CRO.

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