出版时间:2011-6 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:马鹏 页数:404
前言本书使用方法与复习策略第一篇 基础篇第1章 结构阅读法1.1 句子间结构分析1.2 段落内部结构分析第2章 审题与出题思路2.1 什么是定位2.2 如何定位2.3 不可以做定位的信息词2.4 出题思路第二篇 强化篇第3章 细节题3.1 细节题的命题形式3.2 细节题的命题思路与解题思路第4章 例证题4.1 文章举例方式4.2 例证题的解题思路第5章 语义理解题5.1 语义理解题的命题方式5.2 语义理解题的解题思路第6章 推理题6.1 直接因果处推理6.2 隐含因果关系推理6.3 暗示题6.4 反向推理第7章 态度题7.1 态度题的命题思路7.2 态度题的选项分析7.3 态度题的解题思路 第8章 主旨题8.1 主旨题的命题形式8.2 段落结构判断段落主旨第9章 干扰项解析9.1 干扰项之无中生有9.2 干扰项之浑水摸鱼9.3 干扰项之偷梁换柱9.4 干扰项之以偏概全9.5 干扰项之因果倒置 第三篇 挑战篇第10章 模拟题Section OneSection Twosection ThreeSection FourSection Five
版权页:插图:Some analysts are less sure.Among consumers,only 1 8%are even aware that ecofashion exists,upfrom 6%four years ago.Natalie Hormilla,a fashion writer,is an example of the unconverted consumes when asked if she owned any sustainable clothes.she replied:‘'Not that I'm aware of.”Like most consumers,she finds little time to shop,and when she does,she'S on the hunt for“cute stuffthat isn't too expensive.”By her own admission,green just isn’t yet on her mind.But——thanks to the combined efforts of designers.retailers and suppliers-one day it will be.What iS Natalie Hormilla'S aaitude toward ecofashion?A She doesn't seem to care about it.B She doesn't think it is sustainable.C She is doubtful of its practical value.D She is very much opposed to the idea.[31Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and beRer coordinated service.Any threat of monopoly,they argue,is removed by fierce competition from trucks.But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances,such as coal,chemicals,and grain,trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them bythethroat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company.Railroads typically charge such”captive”shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business.Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government'S Surface Transportation Board for rate relief,but the process is expensive,time consuming,and will work only in truly extreme cases.What is many captive shippers'attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?
2012年MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考英语阅读理解专项突破 PDF格式下载