
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:冯宜丽,张全政 主编  页数:189  




Unit OneIntroduction to Engineering
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AIntroduction to Engineering
 Text BMechanical Engineering
 Text CSan Francisco on Fire
 Section C
 Translation Skills科技英语的翻译标准及对译者的要求
Unit TwoIntroduction to Mechanical Design
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AIntroduction to Mechanical Design
 Text BSome Rules for Mechanical Design
 Text COn a Mobile Office and Flexible Working
 Section C
 Translation Skills科技英语的语言特点
Unit ThreeWhat Is Manufacturing?
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AWhat Is Manufacturing?
 Text BThe Future of Manufacturing Engineering
 Text CCould Recession Spread from America?
 Section C
 Translation Skills词义的选择和引申
Unit FourEngineering Materials
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AEngineering Materials
 Text BMaterial Selection
 Text CDoes Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits?
 Section C
 Translation Skills转性译法
Unit FiveThe Foundation of Metalworking
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AMetals and Ferrous Metals
 Text BComposites
 Text CWriting Job Application Letters
 Section C
 Translation Skills增词法
Unit SixHeat Treatment
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AHeat Treatment
 Text BHardening
 Text CSix Keys to Success
 Section C
 Translation Skills减词法
Unit SevenForming
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AForming
 Text BAdvantages and Disadvantages of Hot and Cold Forming
 Text CHow the Americans View Friendship
 Section C
 Translation Skills被动语态的翻译
Unit EightIntroduction to Design of Mechanism System
 Section A
 Listening & Speaking
 Section B
 Text AIntroduction to Design of Mechanism System
 Text BMechanical Drawing
 Text CThe Remembrance of Lilacs
 Section C
 Translation Skills科技英语翻译练习
 Appendix AGlossary
 Appendix BPopular Abbreviations in Electromechanical
 Appendix CCorresponding Chinese Translation of Pictographic
 Appendix DText Translation



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