
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:(美)Gary P. Schneider  页数:460  


E-Business, Ninth Edition provides complete coverage of the key business and technologyelements of electronic commerce. The book does not assume that readers have any previouselectronic commerce knowledge or experience.In 1998, having spent several years doing electronic commerce research, consulting,and corporate training, I began developing undergraduate and graduate business schoolcourses in electrohic commerce. Although I had used a variety of books and other materialsin my corporate training work, I was concerned that those materials would not work wellin university courses because they were written at widely varying levels and did not havethe organization and pedagogic features, such as review questions, that are so important tostudents.After searching for a textbook that offered balanced coverage of both the business andtechnology elements of electronic commerce, I concluded that no such book existed. Thefirst edition of E-Business was written to fill that void.


Gary P.Schneider编著的《电子商务(英文精编版第9版)》是一本均衡讲述电子商务中商务问题和技术问题的教科书,既不是避开技术谈管理,也不是通篇陷入技术细节之中,达到了技术与管理、理论与实务的有机结合。全书分为四篇,即概述篇、业务战略篇、技术篇和整合篇。较之旧版,本版力求反映出电子商务领域中的最新变化以及企业和社会如何响应这些变化。新增的内容包括:多销售渠道,专业信息网站的收益模型,电子书和新闻网站的未来,电视节目和电影的在线交付,智能电话中移动商务应用的增加,团购网站的崛起,Web服务和Web 2.0技术在电子商务中的应用,以及一些新的病毒和安全威胁等。    《电子商务(英文精编版第9版)》定位明确、体例新颖、结构合理、内容全面、语言精炼、叙述清晰,适合作为高等院校相关专业的电子商务课程教材,也可供企业经营管理者和从事电子商务的专业人士参考。


Gary P. Schneider 目前是美国奎尼皮亚克大学会计系的William S.Perlroth教授,曾先后任教于圣迭戈大学、田纳西大学和赛维尔大学,多次获得优秀教学奖。迄今为止,他在会计、信息系统、管理学方面已经出版了50多部著作,并在《Interfaces》、《Issues in Accounting Educati


PrefacePart 1: IntroductionChapter 1  The Second Wave of Global E-Business  Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave    Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business    Categories of Electronic Commerce    The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce    The Dot-Com Boom, Bust, and Rebirth    The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce  Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes    Focus on Specific Business Processes    Role of Merchandising    Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce  Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce    Advantages of Electronic Commerce    Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce  Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce    Transaction Costs    Markets and Hierarchies    Using Electronic Commerce to Reduce Transaction Costs    Network Economic Structures    Network Effects    Using Electronic Commerce to Create Network Effects  Identifying Electronic Commerce Opportunities    Strategic Business Unit Value Chains    Industry Value Chains    SWOT Analysis: Evaluating Business Unit Opportunities  International Nature of Electronic Commerce    Trust Issues on the Web    Language Issues    Cultural Issues    Culture and Government    Infrastructure Issues  Summary  Key Terms  Review Questions  Exercises  CasesChapter 2  E-Business Technology Basics  Part 2: Business Strategies for Electronic Commerce  Part 3: Technologies for Electronic CommercePart 4: Integration


插图:An important function of this book is to help you learn how to identify those business processes that firms can accomplish more effectively by using electronic commerce technologies. In some cases, business processes use traditional commerce activities very effectively, and technology cannot improve them. Products that buyers prefer to touch, smell, or examine closely can be difficult to sell using electronic commerce. For example, customers might be reluctant to buy items that have an important element of tactile feel or condition such as high-fashion clothing (you cannot touch it online and subtle color variations that are hard to distinguish on a computer monitor can make a large difference) or antique jewelry (for which elements of condition that require close inspection can be critical to value) if they cannot closely examine the products before agreeing to purchase them.This book will help you learn how to use Internet technologies to improve existing. Business processes and identify new business opportunities. An important aspect of electronic commerce is that firms can use it to help them adapt to change, The business world is changing more rapidly than ever before. Although much of this book is devoted to explaining technologies, the book's focus is on the business of electronic commerce; the technologies only enable the business processes. Role of Merchandising Retail merchants have years of traditional commerce experience in creating store environments that help convince customers to buy. This combination of store design, layout, and product display knowledge is called merchandising. In addition, many salespeople have developed skills that allow them to identify customer needs and find products or services that meet those needs.The skills of merchandising and personal selling can be difficult to practice remotely. However, companies must be abe to transfer their merchandising skills to the Web for their Web sites to be successful Some products are easier to sell on the Internet than others because the merchandising skills related to those products are easier to transfer to the Web. Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce Some products, such as books or CDs, are good candidates for electronic commerce because customers do not need to experience the physical characteristics of the particular item before they buy it. Because one copy of a new book is identical to other copies, and because the customer is not concerned about fit, freshness, or other such qualities, customers are usually willing to order a title without examining the specific copy they will receive. The advantages of electronic commerce, including the ability of one site to offer a wider selection of titles than even the largest physical bookstore, can outweigh the advantages of a traditional book- store——for example, the customer's ability to browse the pages of the books. In later chapters, you will learn how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic commerce for specific business processes. Figure 1-5 lists examples of business processes categorized as to how well suited they are to electronic commerce and traditional commerce.






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  •   很好的书。。而且物流也给力。。
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  •   写评价很有罪恶感呀,翻了几页还没怎么看呢,要学习。。。
  •   英文算比较简单的那种,主要供我们中国人看的.
  •   全英文的,算是实惠版吧。看起来很什么意思,书的排版很差。
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  •   这本书总体还是不错的,有很多案例,也简明易懂。
  •   这本书还好,没有预期的那么棒
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  •   内容很丰富,就是字太小了。也有些模糊。
  •   学校让定的教材,感觉还不错,就是希望以后的书能做的轻一点儿
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  •   但是速度相当慢,而且纸质也不是很好。
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