出版时间:2010-10 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:曹其军 主编 页数:119
这是一套针对MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考选拔性应试的必备丛书。 本套丛书由北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、北京理工大学、西安交通大学、北京交通大学、上海交通大学、同济大学等几所高校的MBA、MPA、MPAcc辅导名师和资深命题专家联合编写,分为“MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考英语专项训练系列”、“MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考同步复习指导系列”、“MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考模拟试卷系列”,共12本。本套丛书具有以下特点: 一、一流的编者队伍 本套丛书的作者均是从全国MBA、MPA、MPAcc辅导名师中精心挑选的。他们多年来一直从事MBA、MPA、MPAcc考前辅导和命题研究工作,既能把握考生需求与应试精髓,又能洞悉MBA、MPA、MPAcc的命题规律与趋势。 讲课、著书、研究三者紧密结合,相互推动。在讲课中实践,在著书中提炼,在研究中升华,这是一流应试辅导丛书品质保证的基石。 二、紧扣MBA、MPA,MPAcc联考最新考试大纲 丛书紧扣最新考试大纲,精心设计的例题与习题在难度上等同或略高于考试真题,在题型设置上与新大纲保持一致,其中数学分册中含有许多作者原创性的考试应对技巧和经验介绍。我们不鼓励“题海战术”,而是立足于帮助考生在深入研究最新考试大纲和历年试题的基础上,准确把握MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考的难点、重点和命题趋势。 三、体系明晰,精讲精练,为考生提供标准化解决方案 “MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考英语专项训练系列”包括《英语词汇实战宝典》、《英语阅读理解100篇精粹》、《满分翻译与写作》、《英语历年试题精解》4本书。该系列图书实用性强,可以使考生针对英语弱项,进行专项强化提高,快速突破英语难关。 “MBA、:MPA、MPAcc联考同步复习指导系列”包括《英语分册》、《数学分册》、《逻辑分册》、《逻辑应试教程》、《写作分册》、《面试分册》6本书。其中逻辑类图书因老师的授课思路、写作风格不同而分为2本。该体系与最新考试大纲相配套,精讲精练,突出应考难点与重点,洞悉历年试题,强化训练提高,应试针对性极强。 “。MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考模拟试卷系列”包括((2011 MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考模拟试卷系列英语分册》、((2011 MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考模拟试卷系列综合能力分册》2本书,严格按照MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考最新考试大纲和命题趋势精心设计,融会了众多作者多年教学、辅导、命题研究的心血和智慧,考点分布合理,本试卷难度等同或略高于考试真题难度。
曹其军,全国著名的MBA、同等学力应试辅导专家,享誉全国的考研辅导新生代领袖,对各种考试有深入的研究,见解独特,针对性强,著有《考研历年试题详解》、《考研阅读Step by Step》、《考研作文Step by Step》、《MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考英语阅读理解100篇精粹》、《MBA、MPA、
丛书库编者的话模拟试卷(一)模拟试卷(二)模拟试卷(三)模拟试卷(四)模拟试卷(五)模拟试卷(六)模拟试卷(七)模拟试卷(八)模拟试卷(九)模拟试卷(十)参考答案详解 模拟试卷(一)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(二)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(三)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(四)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(五)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(六)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(七)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(八)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(九)参考答案及详解 模拟试卷(十)参考答案及详解
And the ever-present danger, repeatedly realized in fact, is that this dominantmajority may behave toward those who are not of the majority in such a manner as toundermine the moral basis of the right of people because they are people, to havesome important say in the setting of their own course and in the use of their ownfaculties. Other forms of government may similarly fail to respect humanindependence. But there is at least no contradiction in that the underlying assumptionof every kind of government by wisers and betters is that people on the whole are notfit to manage their own affairs but must have someone else do it for them and there isno paradox when such a government treats its subjects without respect or deals withthem on the basis of their having no rights that the government must take into account. But democracy affirms that people are fit to control themselves, and it cannotlive in the same air with the theory that there is no limit to the extent to which publicpower——even the power of a majority——can interfere with the lives of people. Rational limitation on power is therefore not a contradiction to democracy but isof the very essence of democracy as such. Other sorts of government may imposesuch limitations on themselves as an act of grace. Democracy is under the moral dutyof limiting itself because such limitation is essential to the survival of that respect forhumankind which is in the foundations of democracy. Respect for the freedom of allpeople cannot, of course be the only guide, for there would then be no government.Delicate ongoing compromise is what must be looked for. But democracy, unless it isto deny its own moral basis must accept the necessity for making this compromiseand for giving real weight to the claims of those without the presently effectivepolitical power to make their claims prevail in elections.
2011MBA MPA MPAcc联考模拟试卷系列 英语分册 第9版 PDF格式下载