
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:沈延秀,唐利平 主编  页数:130  


  本书根据教育部“关于加强高职高专教育教材建设的若干意见”以及高职高专数控专业教学大纲编写而成,从实际出发,力求专业培养的宽口径,具有良好的通用性、实用性和针对性。其次,遵照高等职业教育的应用特性,教材内容力求通俗易懂,便于教学和自学。  本书共分6部分,12个单元,分别介绍了数控加工、数控机床刀具、数控机床结构、数控机床系统、数控机床编程和数控电加工等方面的专业英语知识。本书内容全面、精炼,选材新颖,所有的知识点都围绕数控加工技术展开,难度适中,且每单元的课文后都附有新单词和短语的解释、重点和难点句子的注释、全文翻译。  本书在编排上力求突出实用性,具有以下几个特点:  1.每个单元的内容在编排上重点突出。各单元的文章后有与之配套的阅读材料,可扩充学生相关领域的知识,满足英文功底较好的读者的需求。  2.阅读内容贴切实用,选取的单词专业性强,便于学生日后应用。  3.图文并茂,便于学生理解和学习。  本书由沈延秀和唐利平担任主编,罗昊、程文担任副主编,参加编写的老师还有郝彦琴、苏君、熊毅,株洲职业技术学院的沈言锦作为本套丛书的总主编对全部书稿进行了审阅。  由于编者水平有限,书中难免有不足之处,恳请读者批评指正。


本书共分6部分,12个单元,分别介绍了数控加工、数控机床刀具、数控机床结构、数控机床系统、数控机床编程和数控电加工等方面的专业英语知识。本书内容全面、精炼,选材新颖,所有的知识点都围绕数控加工技术展开,难度适中,且每单元的课文后都附有新单词和短语的解释、重点和难点句子的注释、全文翻译。    本书可作为高职高专以及大学本科“数控技术”专业的教材,也可以作为数控技术培训教材,还可以供从事数控相关工作的技术、外贸人员使用。


前言Part Ⅰ Introduction to NCPart Ⅱ CNC Machine ToolPart Ⅲ CNC Machine Tool StructurePart Ⅳ CNC Machine Tool SystemPart Ⅴ CNC ProgrammingPart Ⅵ CNC EDMAppendix 1 参考译文Appendix 2 VocabularyReferences


  A research paper is a form of written academic communication that can be used to give use-ful information and to share academic ideas with other. Most of the research papers are~writtenfor publication in journals or conference proceeding in ones field. Publication is one of the fas-test ways for propagating ideas and for professional recognition and advancement. If you haveclear idea about the features and styles of academic articles, it will be easier for you to success-fully get your paper published in the target journal or accepted by an international conference.  Features of Academic Papers  The first of the features of an academic paper is the content. It is no more and no less thanan objective and accurate account of a piece of research you did, either in the humanities, socialsciences, natural sciences or applied science. It should not be designed to teach or to providegeneral background.  The second feature is the style of writing for this purpose. Your paper should contain threeingredients: precise logical structure, clear and simple narration, and the specific style deman-ded by the journal to which it will be submitted. From the instructions on manuscripts in the"Appendixes A to E", you may get a brief idea of different styles required by different journals.  The third, which is indeed a part of the second, is the system of documenting the sourcesused in writing the article. At every step in the process of writing, you must take into accountthe ideas, facts, and opinions you have gained from sources you have consulted.



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