
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:李岑  页数:180  字数:226000  


  阅读理解,是国内各省市中考英语测试的大项。下面两句话就是中考英语试卷中曾经出现的句子。  In a research, Professor Alex Michalos found that the people whose desire, notjust for money, but for friends, family, job, health, rose furthest beyond what theyalready had, tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap.  Sometimes you cant change a stressful situation; sometimes you dont evenwant to. A big change might be a good change, but it will still be stressful.  类似的句子,你可能还会在模考、中考中遇到。如果你看完三遍仍不懂,预示着只要阅读理解题目稍加难度,你就可能做不完。因此,初中生必须抓紧备考,训练自己“又快又准”地做阅读。  遗憾的是,很多同学平时遇到阅读难点时,常不求甚解。答题时,对干扰项,亦不求甚解,这样,阅读达到某个层次后,就会停滞不前,难有进步。但凡考试变难、文章晦涩,就觉得时间不够,分数就往下滑。这是很多同学英语不上不下的症结所在。要想提高阅读能力,必须抛弃这种学习态度。否则,你将无法突破阅读瓶颈。  英语是国际语言。英语阅读与写作,是中学英语的两座高峰。立志跻身于精英阶层的同学,应尽早登峰。当你站在人人仰视的高度,凭借骄人的考分、能力,获得更广阔的视野与良好的机会,而使强者更强时,才能让身处平地上的人们望尘莫及。  为了帮助同学们扎实、有效地提高英语阅读成绩,我编写了本书。全书共60套卡片,每套卡片含一篇文章。全书60篇文章涵盖新闻、环保、商业、轶事、文化、社会、心理等主题类别,针对文章的关键“表达法”我均予以梳理,并展现阅读答题技巧。  本书将帮助你掌握解题技法,识记中考阅读的词句表达,在更高层次上驾驭阅读。同学们,拼搏吧!




前言                          本书使用说明                    阅读难点,我会教你彻底看懂的!                    阅读押题卡01阅读押题卡02阅读押题卡03阅读押题卡04阅读押题卡05阅读押题卡06阅读押题卡07阅读押题卡08阅读押题卡09阅读押提卡10阅读押题卡11阅读押题卡12阅读押题卡13阅读押题卡14阅读押题卡15阅读押题卡16阅读押题卡17阅读押题卡18阅读押题卡19阅读押题卡20阅读押题卡21阅读押题卡22阕凑摔莲卡23阅读押题卡24阅读押题卡25阅读押题卡26阅读押题卡27阅读押题卡28阅读押题卡29阅读押题卡30阅读押题卡31阅读押题卡32阅读押题卡33阅读押题卡34   阅读押题卡35阅读押题卡36阅读押题卡37阅读押题卡38阅读押题卡39阅读押题卡40阅读押题卡41阅读押题卡42阅读押提卡43阅读押题卡44阅读押题卡45阅读押题卡46阅读押题卡47阅读押题卡48阅读押题卡49阅读押题卡50阅读押题卡51阅读押题卡52阅读押题卡53阅读押题卡54阅读押题卡55阕凑摔莲卡56阅读押题卡57阅读押题卡58阅读押题卡59阅读押题卡60


  Coloring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell.Health foods are packaged in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these ashealthy colors. Ice cream packets are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates,are gold or silver.  When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the ecolors turned the customers off because they made the product look ineffective. Eventu-ally, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package——blue because we think of itas safe, and white as calm.  The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesnt containas much as it appears to.  The better-known companies spend, on average, 70 percent of the total cost of theproduct itself on packaging!  The most successful producers know that its not enough to have a good product.The founder of Pears soap, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to sell their goods,came to the conclusion: "Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius to sell it." 1. Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text?


  中考英语阅读理解难点  就出不了这个圈  读得快+选的对=阅读满分  读得快:看懂长难句  选得对:排除干扰选项



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   看了一下这书,内容还没细看,大体上觉得选材有点难度,但对于这种阅读的编排方式, 觉得非常好,真的在教会学生如何阅读。因此真的认为学生们都该人手一本。
  •   不错,很适合孩子用,同时也推荐给了他的同学
  •   非常好。老师强力推荐。对学习很好的孩子也很有用
  •   还蛮实用的,有一定的标准
  •   方法好呀
  •   我觉得学习成绩中上以上的就没有必要买了。
  •   没有什么帮助!题很少,尤其是对优秀的学生没有什么帮助

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