
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:骆毅 等编  页数:194  


本书是应用型本科、高职高专院校道路与桥梁工程技术专业英语阶段教学用书,也可供相关专业教学使用,或作为相关专业继续教育及培训教材。    全书由10个单元组成,每单元由3个部分构成。书后附有练习参考答案和课文参考译文。第一部分是“课文和阅读材料”,其中包含单词和词组,科技英语翻译的方法与技巧,练习和作业等。第二部分是“建筑施工场景会话”,其内容按照工程进行的顺序使会话场景一个接一个地展开。第三部分是“模拟套写”,包括招标通告、招标、开标和授子合同等,涉外电子邮件、传真和信函等,以及如何撰写科技论文等实用应用文。


前言 Unit 1  Part Ⅰ Text Highway lntroduction  Reading Material Highway Design Philosophy  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Pre-quafification  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing E-mail Unit 2  Part Ⅰ Text Highway Subgrade  Reading Material The Road to Innovation  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Issuing Tender Document  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing FaxMessage Unit 3  Part Ⅰ Text Flexible Pavement  Reading Material Rigid Pavement  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Construction Method Statement  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Invitation for Bids Unit 4  Part Ⅰ Text Culvert  Reading Material Drainage Design  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Contract Conditions  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Letter of Acceptance Unit 5  Part Ⅰ Text Road Design of Plane Intersection  Reading Material Interchange  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Price Negotiation  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Contract Agreement Unit 6  Part Ⅰ Text Bridge Introduction  Reading Material Preliminary Design  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Inspection of Site Temporary Facilities  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Subcontract Agreement Unit 7  Part Ⅰ Text Choice of Foundation  Reading Material Other Design Notes  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Inspection of Underground Works  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Performance Security(Bank GuaranteeJ Unit 8  Part Ⅰ Text Beam Bridges  Reading Material Concrete Beam Bridge  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Safety Patrol  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Bidding, Bid Opening and Award of Contract Unit 9  Part Ⅰ Text Arch Bridges  Reading Material La Vicaria Arch Bridge  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Claims  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Role of Specification in Construction Unit 10  Part Ⅰ Text Suspension Bridge and Cable Stayed Bridge  Reading Material Construction Sequence of Suspension Bridge  Part Ⅱ Situational Conversations on Construction Completion Certificates  Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing How to Write a Scientific Paper 练习参考答案 参考译文 参考文献


  A prime coat is an application of low-viscosity cutback asphalt to an absorbent surface,such as an untreated granular base on which an asphalt layer will be placed.Its purposeis to bind the granular base to the asphalt layer.The difference between a tack coat and aprime coat is that a tack coat does not require the penetration of asphalt into theunderlying layer,whereas a prime coat penetrates into the underlying layer,plugs thevoids,and forms a watertight surface. Base Course and Subbase Course The base course iS the fayer of materiaI beneath the surface or binder course.1tcan be composed of crashed stone,crashed slag,or other untreated or stabilizedmaterials.The subbase course iS the layer of materiaI beneath the base course.Thereason that two different granular materials are used is for economy.Instead of usingthe more expensive base course materiaI for the entire layer,Iocal and cheap materialscan be used as a subbase course on top of the subgrade.If the base course is opengraded,the subbase course with more fines can serve as a filter between the subgradeand the base course.  ……



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