出版时间:2010-2 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:李华 编 页数:271
在中国经济日益全球化的今天,英语已经成为高职学生求职时一个越来越重要的砝码。专门英语教育,即ESP(English for Specific Purposes),将英语教学和学生将来的职业联系起来,与高职院校培养高素质应用型人才相适应,近年来得到高度的重视和迅速的发展。文秘职业英语作为ESP一个重要的分支也取得了长足的发展。本书作者身处中国外向型经济最为发达的深圳经济特区的高职院校,融合多年高职文秘英语教学基础和在外贸企业兼职文秘的实践经验,以特区人敢闯敢试的精神在此书中对高职文秘教学进行积极的探索和创新: (1)在教学内容的安排方面,根据文秘职业的成长规律,以前台文秘、部门秘书和总经理秘书等几个工作岗位为立足点,选取的都是涉外文秘工作的典型工作任务。 (2)在教学过程的设计方面,将工作任务完成的基本流程置于课程的中心地位,通过跟学示范、基础训练、根据情景描述完成任务、自主设计工作情景并完成工作任务等四个环节的学习和训练,注重培养学生涉外文秘工作的实际操作能力。 (3)本书的样例和练习相当一部分是作者在深圳市某外贸公司集中实践时搜集的真实案例,或是由网络上搜集的企业真实案例改编而成,具有较强的实用价值。 (4)本书配套的多媒体课件,通过flash动画模拟真实的涉外文秘工作情景,各类习题及训练均体现了较好的交互性原则,在提高学生学习兴趣的同时提高了学生文秘职业英语的应用能力。 (5)在对学生进行传统的英语听、说、读、写、译等基本语言能力训练的基础之上,本书增添了与涉外文秘工作相关的办公软件和办公设备使用的相关英语知识,使学生可以更好地适应现代信息化办公发展的需要。 在编写过程中,本书引用了一些专家学者的研究成果,同时得到了深圳市格尚科技发展有限公司总经理助理饶琼慧女士的耐心指导。该公司提供的涉外文秘工作案例在隐去涉及公司商业机密相关内容的前提下已直接用于本教材,在此向他们表示由衷的谢意。由于作者能力水平所限,书中难免存在不当之处,敬请读者批评指正,作者不胜感激。
Part 1 Professional English for Front Desk Secretary
Unit 1 Daily Reception
Task 1 Getting to Know the Procedures of Daily Reception
Task 2 Greeting the Guest
Task 3 Sending offthe Guest
Unit 2 Phone Calls Handling
Task 1 Techniques of Telephoning
Task 2 Transferring a Call :
Task 3 Making an Appointment
Task 4 Taking a Phone Message
Unit 3 Daily Paperwork Handling
Task 1 Dealing with E-mails
Task 2 Dealing with Faxes
Task 3 Writing a Recruitment Advertisement
Part 2 Professional English for Department Secretary
Unit 4 Phone Calls Handling
Task l Providing Information
Task 2 Handling Complaints
Task 3 Business Negotiation
Unit 5 Meeting Arrangements
Task 1 How to Organize Meetings
Task 2 Meeting Notice
Task 3 Chairing a Meeting
Task 4 Meeting Brief.
Unit 6 Paperwork Handling
Task 1 Setting up a Filing System
Task 2 Letter of Introduction
Task 3 Contract
Part 3 Professional English for Secretary to the General
Unit 7 Overseas Travelling Arrangements
Task 1 Contacting the Other Party
Task 2 Writing an Itinerary
Task 3 Writing a Visa Invitation Letter
Task 4 Filling in a Visa Application Form
Task 5 Booking Arrangements
Unit 8 Business Reception Arrangements
Task 1 Picking Up Guests at the Airport
Task 2 Talking about an Itinerary
Task 3 At a Business Dinner Party
Task 4 Company Visit
Task 5 Sightseeing
Unit 9 Company Meeting Arrangements
Task 1 Discussing Meeting Arrangements
Task 2 Writing a Meeting Agenda
Task 3 Writing a Meeting Invitation Letter
Task 4 Making Opening Remarks
Task 5 Taking Meeting Minutes
Unit 10 Company Paperwork Handling
Task 1 Providing Information
Task 2 Writing Memorandum
Task 3 Letter of Thanks
Task 4 Letter of Congratulations & Letter of Condolence
Task 5 Short Speech
Keys to Exercises
Making it clear what the meeting is about and how long it will take, plan an agenda with a time schedule for addressing each issue. Invite attendees and confirm attendance. Obtain the schedule(s) of the key people who are to be at the meeting, decide on three potential meeting times and send an e-mail to each of the remaining attendees before the final time is determined. Schedule a place for the meeting according to the number of the attendants, organize and confirm the venue, equipment and catering requirements. Send a meeting notice after the time, place and participants of the meeting are settled. Distribute the agenda well in advance of the meeting, asking for any modifications or additions. Collate meeting papers and produce spare copies of them. Dispatch a full set of papers for the meeting within agreed timescales. Take accurate notes of the meeting, including attendance. Provide information, advice and support when required. Draft minutes which would record actions, deadlines and responsibilities agreed, and any divergent opinion if expressly required by a participant, seek approval and amend the minutes as necessary and circulate it to people who may need them. Distribute a summary of decisions reached at the meeting, including the date and time of any future meetings. Draft a meeting brief which may be dispatched within the company and sometimes to external services and suppliers. Follow up action points.
《文秘职业英语应用教程》根据文秘职业的成长规律,以前台文秘、部门秘书和总经理秘书等工作岗位为立足点,选取的都是涉外文秘工作的典型工作任务。 以完成工作任务的基本流程为主线,通过跟学示范、基础训练、任务实践、任务设计四个环节的学习和训练,培养学生文秘职业英语的实际应用能力。 采用的样例和练习大多是作者在企业实践中搜集的真实案例,或是由企业真实案例改编而成,具有较强的实用价值。 配套精良的多媒体课件,通过flash动画模拟真实的涉外文秘工作情景,让学生进行交互训练,可以作为学生校内虚拟实训的辅助资料。