出版时间:2010-2 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:甘辉 页数:351
本书根据教育部高职高专技能型人才培养模式要求,结合汽车专业实际需要和教学经验编写而成,旨在使学生熟悉本专业的英语词汇及用法,了解汽车领域科技文章结构及体裁,培养学生英语阅读能力和翻译能力,以便更好地直接从国外资料中获取先进的汽车科技信息和知识。 针对汽车相关专业,本教材兼顾了汽车运用专业、汽车电工电子专业、汽车制造技术专业、汽车整形技术专业对各部件组成、结构和原理以及较先进的技术资料的要求,同时兼顾了汽车营销专业、汽车公估与保险实务专业既要求有结构和原理知识又需要相关的营销和保险知识的需要。考虑到课时限制,本教材篇章力求精而专,在章节选用上采用“基础章节+专业针对性章节”,以求其适应面更广。“汽车基础知识篇”适用于所有相关专业的基础教学,“汽车营销知识篇”适用于汽车营销专业,“汽车保险与公估篇”适用于汽车保险与公估专业,“先进汽车技术篇”为汽车运用专业、汽车电工电子专业、汽车制造技术专业、汽车整形技术专业和其他专业的拓展内容。在每章前均提出“学习目标”、“知识目标”,采用大量的图形和照片来配合讲解各部件组成、结构和原理,展示当前的设备、零部。件和系统。在每章中提出问题,结合学习情境让学生思考,要求结合汽车实物,熟悉各部件组成、结构和原理,并给出模拟场景、实物图片等,让学生学会实际运用。 本书由湖南交通职业技术学院甘辉副教授任主编,湖南交通职业技术学院沈钡老师参与编写了第五章。全书由湖南交通职业技术学院郑颖杰副教授主审。 本书在编写中参阅了国内外有关科技文献资料,得到了沈锦、仇雅莉两位副教授的帮助和指导,在此一并表示衷心感谢! 由于编者水平有限,书中难免存在不妥之处,敬请读者不吝赐教。
Chapter 1 Automobile Fundamentals
Chapter 2 Advanced Automobile Technologies
Chapter 3 Automobile Servicing Equipment and Troubles
Chapter 4 Auto Repair and Insurance
Chapter 5 Automobile Business
Chinese Translation of the Text
Key to the Exercises
Electronic Fuel Injection Systems A carburetor is a mechanical device that is neither totally accurate nor particularly fast in re-sponding to changing engine requirements. Adding feedback controls and other emission-related de-vices in recent years has resulted in very complex carburetors. The solution to the problems posedby a carbureted fuel system is electronic fuel injection(EFI). Electronic Fuel Injection System can be divided into three basic sub-systems. These are the fueldelivery system, the air induction system, and the electronic control system. There are differenttypes of gasoline fuel injection system used in automobiles. The two basic arrangements are port fuelinjection and throttle body injection (TBI). Port fuel injection is also called multiple-point injec-tion. EFI supplies an accurate air/fuel ratio to the engine no matter what operating conditions are en-countered. This provides better drivability, fuel economy, and emissions control. Electronic control system consists of various engine sensors, Electronic Control Unit (ECU),fuel injector assemblies, and related wiring. The ECU determines precisely how much fuel needs tobe delivered by the injector by monitoringthe engine sensors. Engine Lubricating System Without the aid of friction, an automobile could not move itself. Excessive friction in the en-gine, however, would mean rapid destruction. We cannot eliminate internal frication, but we canreduce it to a contro~able degree by the use of friction reducing lubricants. There are three types:splash lubrication, pressure lubrication and grease lubrication. ……