出版时间:2010-3 出版社:机械工业 作者:张秋兰 编 页数:145
你想更快、更好地提高英语四会能力吗? 你想在中考、高考的考场上傲视群雄吗? 请认真阅读《锦囊妙解中学生英语系列》丛书! 本丛书聘请国内部分教学一线的资深特、高级教师撰稿,按中、高考必考的题型科学规划,分为听力、完形填空、阅读理解和书面表达四大系列,融趣味性与实用性于一体,根据新课标对词汇和惯用语的分级要求,分成七年级至高二及高考各分册,全套丛书共24册,是一套历经8年用智慧与爱心精心铸造的英语备考专用书。 丛书具有以下特点: 名师指点 指点迷津 名师指导英语听、说、读、写的学习方法与技巧,剖析知识学习的重点与难点,解读中、高考的考点和热点。 选文前沿 着眼实践 文章均选自英文图书、报刊、网络媒体,注重生活实际和欧美文化背景,语言地道,原汁原味,让你的英文与时代同步,视野与世界联网。 精彩真题 高效训练 专家引领你总结历年中、高考命题特点,体味更为高远的知识空间,全国各地最新中、高考真题回放,最新模拟试题快速、严格地对应中、高考命题方向,让你感悟中、高考最新的命题趋势。 由于时间有限,本丛书难免会有瑕疵,敬请读者不吝赐教。
本书是“锦囊妙解中学生英语系列”《阅读理解 九年级》分册。书中对英语阅读理解题的命题特点、文章体裁、解题步骤与技巧分别作了介绍,对英语阅读中常见的各种题型进行了分析。书中精选了115篇英语阅读理解专练,其中包括2009年和2008年部分省市的中考题,并在书后给出短文大意、参考答案及解析。本书强调对九年级学生英语阅读理解能力的培养,目的是从本质上提高学生的阅读理解能力,达到信息的真正交流。
前言 第一章 阅读技巧指导1 一、中考大纲及课程标准对初中英语阅读的要求1 二、阅读理解常见的题型及特点1 三、常见的阅读理解题体裁4 四、任务型阅读5 五、阅读技巧7 第二章 阅读理解专练9 Passage 1 9 Passage 2 10 Passage 3 11 Passage 4 12 Passage 5 13 Passage 6 14 Passage 7 15 Passage 8 16 Passage 9 17 Passage 10 18 Passage 11 19 Passage 12 20 Passage 13 21 Passage 14 22 Passage 15 23 Passage 16 24 Passage 17 25 Passage 18 26 Passage 19 27 Passage 20 28 Passage 21 29 Passage 22 30 Passage 23 31 Passage 24 32 Passage 25 33 Passage 26 34 Passage 27 34 Passage 28 35 Passage 29 36 Passage 30 37 Passage 31 39 Passage 32 40 Passage 33 41 Passage 34 42 Passage 35 43 Passage 36 44 Passage 37 45 Passage 38 46 Passage 39 47 Passage 40 48 Passage 41 49 Passage 42 50 Passage 43 51 Passage 44 52 Passage 45 53 Passage 46 53 Passage 47 55 Passage 48 55 Passage 49 56 Passage 50 57 Passage 51 58 Passage 52 60 Passage 53 60 Passage 54 61 Passage 55 61 Passage 56 62 Passage 57 62 Passage 58 63 Passage 59 64 Passage 60 65 Passage 61 66 Passage 62 67 Passage 63 67 Passage 64 68 Passage 65 68 Passage 66 69 第三章 2008年部分省市中考英语阅读理解试题 71 Passage 1 71 Passage 2 72 Passage 3 73 Passage 4 74 Passage 5 75 Passage 6 76 Passage 7 77 Passage 8 78 Passage 9 79 Passage 10 80 Passage 11 81 Passage 12 83 Passage 13 84 Passage 14 84 Passage 15 85 Passage 16 86 Passage 17 87 Passage 18 88 Passage 19 89 Passage 20 90 Passage 21 91 Passage 22 92 Passage 23 93 Passage 24 94 Passage 25 95 第四章 2009年部分省市中考英语阅读理解试题 97 Passage 1 97 Passage 2 98 Passage 3 99 Passage 4 100 Passage 5 101 Passage 6 102 Passage 7 103 Passage 8 104 Passage 9 105 Passage 10 105 Passage 11 106 Passage 12 107 Passage 13 109 Passage 14 109 Passage 15 110 Passage 16 111 Passage 17 112 Passage 18 113 Passage 19 114 Passage 20 115 Passage 21 116 Passage 22 117 Passage 23 118 Passage 24 119 参考答案 121
A barber(理发师)was in his shop,busy cutting a man hair,when a handsome(俊俏的)young stranger ca!Tie in.He had a small boy with him.They sat down together and waited until the barber had finished.Then the young mall told the barber to shave(替……刮脸)him and to cut the small boy hair. The barber said,“Do you want me to cut the boy hair first.or to shave you?” “Oh,shave me,”said the young mall.“Then Ill go down the road and have a glass of wine while you’re cutting the boy hair.” The young mall sat down in the barber chair,and the barber began to shave him. When he had finished,the young man got up and said,“Ill go down the road now and have my wine while you’re cutting the boy hair.” “All right,but don’t take long,”the barber warned him.The young man went out,the small boy obediently(顺从地)sat down in the barber chair,and the barber began to cut his. As he had said,he soon finished,and then the boy sat down and waited.At the end of half all hour,when the young mall had still not come back,the barber said to the boy,“It is a pity that your daddy taking such a long time.Where is he likely to be now?” “I can’t guess,”answered the small boy,“and that man isn’t my daddy.Ive never seen him before in my life.I Was playing in the street this morning,and he came up to me and asked me whether Id like to have my hair cut without having to pay anything.I said 1 would.because my hair has been SO long,then he took me here.” 1.The handsome young man wanted____________. A.to have his son hair cut B.to have his own hair cut C.the barber to shave him D.to invite the barber to have a drink 2.The young man told the barber to cut the bey hair____________. A.before he had a drink B.before he Was shaved C.after he had a drink D.after he Was shaved 3.The barber agreed that the young man could go for a drink,because________. A.the man had paid him the money B.the boy would pay him the money C.he thought the boy Was the man son