出版时间:2010-1 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:陈清兰 页数:218
随着全球经济一体化趋势日趋明显,我国对外贸易活动越来越频繁,贸易量也日益增大,外贸英语函电作为外贸活动的主要沟通方式之一,其重要性毋庸置疑;同时,在利用外贸函电进行沟通时,对对方意图的敏锐察觉,对对方文化差异的知晓,以及对自身意图的准确表述等技巧,将直接影响谈判结果的好坏,甚至贸易的成交与否。因此,谈判技巧在国际贸易中也非常重要。尽管目前市场上此类书籍林林总总,但内容难易适中、结构合理、操作性强的中英文双语读物极少,于是编者充分利用20多年的英语、商务英语以及企业管理等教学经验和实战背景编写了该书。本书既可作为外贸专业或外贸辅修专业学生的教材,也可作为外贸从业人员及业余自修者的学习用书和工具书。 本书特点: 1.内容适中,结构清晰; 2.技术性强:本书每一章都用了较大篇幅在Skills部分,对相关内容的沟通及谈判技巧做了介绍,并附有相关专业词汇表; 3.操作性强:考虑到大多数此类书籍的可操作性的欠缺,本书在每一章最后安排了Now You Try部分,使得读者在阅读了相应知识后加以练习,巩固知识,即学即用; 4.中英文灵活交替的双语版:英语作为一种国际性交流语言,其使用之广泛在21世纪越来越凸显出来,因而本书采用了中英文双语形式,并根据内容的需要及理解的方便,将中英文灵活穿插,这是该书的一大亮点。
本书共10章,每章由Knowledge,Cases,Skills,Useful Exoressions和Now You Try 5大部分组成。除了系统介绍商务英语中常用文体,特别是信函的写作外,还科学地把商务知识、谈判知识、现代沟通技巧融为一体。双语形式的实例、技巧、词汇、例句的全面示范及系统介绍,有助于读者从中英文两种语言角度将理论与实务有机结合,熟悉各种外贸谈判活动,了解国际贸易中不同商务活动的人文背景以及具体操作程序,从而提高商务沟通及谈判的分析能力和处理问题的能力,并具体运用相关知识建立外贸关系,进行询盘、还盘,根据订单签订合同,并处理付款、包装、运输、保险、索赔及理赔等不同外贸商谈环节。
前言Chapter 1 How to Write Business Letters如何写商务信函 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 2 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 3 Inquiry,Offer&Counter-offer询盘、报盘和还盘 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions NOW YOU TryChapter 4 Orders and Contracts订单与合同 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 5 Payment and Letter of Credit付款与信用证 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 6 Packing包装 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 7 Shipment and Delivery装运与交货 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 8 Insurance货物保险 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 9 Complaints and Compensation索赔与理赔 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You TryChapter 10 Promoting Efficiently to Fasten the Relationship有效促销巩固关系 Knowledge Cases Skills Useful Expressions Now You Try参考文献
To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the vitally important measures either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge it's business scope and turnover. To establish business relations is to choose trade partners. Whether the partners you choose are fight or not decides whether your trade is successful or not. In general, merchants abroad will first choose to communicate in writing. If the writer intends to buy for import, he may also make requests for samples, pricelists, catalogs, etc. To close the letter, the writer usually expresses his expectation of cooperation and an early reply. Thus, both trading parts introduce each other or through a third part to make clear some important conditions such as, the partner's financing position, the ability of operation and business scope and so on. And then do some further substantial business negotiation, From this first letter, on the bases of knowing each other and trusting each other, both partners begin to cooperate actively and then make the trading activities smoothly done. 无论对于一个新公司还是老公司来说,如果想扩大业务范围和业务量,与潜在经销商建立业务关系是最关键的措施之一。建立业务关系,实际上就是确定贸易对象。贸易对象选择得合适与否,决定着贸易的成败。 在一般情况下,海外商人们首先选择商务信函进行沟通。如果笔者旨在做进口生意,他也可以索取样品、价目表、目录等。在这类信的结尾部分,笔者通常要表达合作的愿望和早日收到回复的想法。 这样,双方通过各自的介绍或第三方的介绍,先摸清对方的资金信用、经营能力和业务范围等重要条件,然后再进行实质性的业务商讨。贸易双方由第一封信函开始,在相互了解、彼此信赖的基础上,进行积极地合作,并使双方贸易活动得以顺利地开展。 ……