出版时间:2010-1 出版社:机械工业 作者:李雪//李铁红//范宏博 页数:344
随着社会的发展和国际交往的日益频繁,英语已经进入我们生活的各个方面,对英语口语水平的要求也越来越高。为了满足社会不同层次、从事不同工作的初级和中级英语学习者对日常英语的需要,我们精心编写了“美语会话脱口秀系列”丛书。本丛书包括《外企白领英语口语大全》、《文秘会话英语口语大全)、《社交英语口语大全》、《商务英语口语大全)、《情景英语口语大全》、〈酒店职员英语口语大全》、《餐饮业职员英语口语大全)、《金融业职员英语口语大全》、《售货员英语口语大全》、《旅游英语口语大全》、《外贸英语口语大全》、《娱乐休闲英语口语大全》和《面试英语口语大全》,共13本书。 本丛书几乎涵盖了所有日常生活、工作场景所需要的基本英语用语,可供广大读者和英语爱好者灵活选用。丛书以场景对话为主要内容,使读者在阅读中有身临其境的感觉,还包括关键句型、词语加油站、开心一刻。关键句型列举出各场景中出现频率最高的语句,供读者学习、模仿、熟记和运用。词语加油站精选出常用的重点词汇,为读者扫除词汇障碍。 《外贸英语口语大全》一书以“源自外贸”为基本原则来选取素材。本书分为外宾接待、外贸出差、市场营销、贸易形式、外贸办公、商品报关和贸易实务共七个部分,几乎涵盖了外贸场景的各个方面,实用性和知识性并重,意在把读者带到英语语境中,全新开发大家的语言潜力。读者把这些口语要素积累下来,就成了脱口而出的“鲜活会话”了。本书在编写过程中,力求保证英语口语的原汁原味,学者可以身临其境,融入英语会话的情景当中,通过学习和实践,更快、更准地把握英语口语的精髓!
前言Chapter 1 Office Work 商务办公 1 Recruiting 员工招聘 2 Dealing with Emails 邮件处理 3 Transferrting Information 传送资料 4 Filing 档案事务 5 Releasing Notices 发布通知 6 Taking Memos 备忘录 7 Arranging Travels 安排差旅 8 Procuring Equipment 设备采购 Chapter 2 Receptions 客户接待 1 Making an Appointment 客户预约 2 Changing an Appointment 预约改动 3 Meeting at the Airport 机场迎接 4 Introducing Myself 自我介绍 5 Entertaining Clients 招待客户 6 Arriving at the Company 参观访问 7 Inviting to Dinner 宴会邀请 8 Expressing Thanks 表达感谢 Chapter 3 Business Services 商业服务 1 Banking Services 银行服务 2 Post Office Services 邮局服务 3 Airport Service 机场服务 4 In a Restaurant 在餐馆 5 At the Hotel 在宾馆 6 Sightseeing 观光旅游 7 Changing Plans 改变计划 8 Business Reception 商务接待 Chapter 4 Business Meetings 商务会议 1 Making Arrangements 布置会议 2 Other Preparations 其他准备 3 Agenda 议事日程 4 Getting a Meeting Started 会议开始 5 Taking Minutes 会议纪要 6 Taking the Floor 发言 7 Discussions 会议讨论 8 Summary and Adjournment 总结闭会 Chapter 5 Business Calls 商务电话 1 Leaving a Message 电话留言 2 Calling Back 回电话 3 Having the Wrong Number 打错电话 4 Calling an Operator 接线员接听电话 5 Proposing an Appointment over Phone 电话要求约见 6 Rescheduling over Phone 电话更改约定 7 Reserving a Room 预订旅馆 8 Booking a Ticket 预订机票 Chapter 6 Business Negotiations 商务洽谈 1 Inquiry 询价 Contents 2 Offer 报价 3 Price Negofiations 磋商价格 4 Discounts 折扣 5 Order 订购 6 Contracts 合同 7 Shipment Delay 装运推迟 8 Claims 索赔 Chapter 7 Deriving Sectors of Business 商业的衍生环节 1 Commissions 佣金 2 Trademark Registration 商标注册 3 Sample Exhibition 样品展示 4 Sole Agent 独家代理 5 Letter of Credit 信用证 6 Banking Facilities 银行业务 7 Public Relations 公共关系 8 Business Promotion 商务促销 Chapter 8 Marketing 市场营销 1 Market Surveys 市场调研 2 Market Developments 市场开发 3 Exhibitions 交易会 4 Quality and Quantity 质量与数量 5 Advertising and Promotion 广告与促销 6 New Products Introduction 介绍新产品 7 After?sales Services 售后服务 8 Sales Agents 销售代理商 Chapter 9 Business Interaction 商务交往 1 Visiting Colleagues 拜访同事 2 Introducing Newcomer 介绍新人 3 Helping Each Other 同事互助 4 Consolation 安慰 5 Sympathy 同情 6 Klatch 聚会 7 Appointment 约会 8 Departure 告别
S: Alice gave me her letter of resignation yesterday. It came as a bit of a surprise. Well need to fill her position. G." Oh, no. My workload will double! When will she leave our company? S: She plans to stay until the end of the month to complete her project. G: So she gave two weeks. That gives us time to hire and train a replacement. S: No one will get stuck with more work if we quickly find a replacement! Now, help me outline the requirements for a job ad. G: OK. Anyway we will require a four-year degree, preferably Business Administration with a good command of English. S: Also with experiences. Well require three years experiences working in a foreign trade company. What else would you suggest? G: I think the person should be flexible, creative, organized and able to work in a team atmosphere. S." Now we have a list of job requirements and duties... What about the salary range? G: The salary is fifteen to twenty-five thousand dollars a month, depending on experience. S: Wow, the salary is very attractive. Now, lets go and type up this job ad.
教你最纯正、最地道的英语口语! 语音地道纯正、内容生动活泼,不可不会的关键词汇、短语、句型,一应俱全! 全景式展现话题情景原型,题材涉及面广 关键句型、热门话题、核心词汇各个击破,体例安排科学合理 内容生动活泼,是练习英语口语的极佳素材 英语口语就是这么简单!