出版时间:2010-1 出版社:机械工业 作者:李普英 页数:532 译者:江楠
新托业30天集中课程,30天完成系统化、特色化的学习! 各个单元只收录能够提高分数和提升实力的核心内容! 长达10个小时的配套mp3文件,将切合托业考试实际的各种发音,即英式发音、美式发音、澳洲发音、加拿大发音全部收录!
本书特色托业听力部分题型描述本书学习计划表CHAPTER 01 把握关键词 CAPSULE 01 把握核心动词和名词 CAPSULE 02 把握疑问词 CAPSULE 03 把握提问的核心内容 CAPSULE 04 把握备选项的核心内容 REVIEW TEST 01CHAPTER 02 理解文句 CAPSULE 05 紧扣介词来听 CAPSULE 06 紧扣名词来听 CAPSULE 07 紧扣5句型来听 CAPSULE 08 紧扣状语从句来听 REVIEW TEST 02CHAPTER 03 熟悉英文表达 CAPSULE 09 听懂关于主语和谓语的表达 CAPSULE 10 听懂常用的疑问句 CAPSULE 11 听懂不同语境的惯用表达 CAPSULE 12 听懂不同话题的惯用表达 REVIEW TEST 03CHAPTER 04 练习同义转换(Paraphrasing) CAPSULE 13 熟悉多角度的表达CAPSUlE 14 听懂间接回答 CAPSULE 15 熟悉同义句的转换① CAPSULE 16 熟悉同义句的转换② REVIEW TEST 04CHAPTER 05 避免混淆 CAPSULE 17 推测名词的动词意义 CAPSULE 18 避开多义词的陷阱 CAPSULE 19 关于时间和数字 CAPSULE 20 关于专有名词 REVIEW TEST 05CHAPTER 06 熟悉背景知识 CAPSULE 21 了解不同场景的对话模式 CAPSULE 22 理解背景,听懂对话 CAPSULE 23 理解背景,听懂短文 REVIEW TEST 06CHAPTER 07 综合并推理 CAPSULE 24 把握句子隐含的意义 CAPSULE 25 关于主题、谈话人和场所的问题① CAPSULE 26 关于主题、谈话人和场所的问题② REVIEW TEST 07CHAPTER 08 把握带有修饰词的语句 CAPSULE 27 把握带有分词的句子 CAPSULE 28 把握带有关联词的句子REVIEW TEST 08 CHAPTER 09 把握和答案有关的重要内容 CAPSUlE 29 能在固定的地方找到答题线索的问题 CAPSUlE 30 在短文最后给出正确答案的问题 REVIEW TEST 09答案与解析
1.听录音,选出和所听到的内容一致的答案。 购物 1.Don’t miss out on this amazing(A.试用 B.大幅降价)offer!Call today ! 2.You can purchase our best-selling model through convenient monthly(A.分期付款 B.利息). 3.For a limited time only,all paying customers will receive a(A.免费的 B.高档的)bottle of wine. 4.Buy a new kitchen furniture set,and get a(A.垃圾处理 B.餐具)unit absolutely free! 5.We sell bed—sheets,(A.床垫 B.枕头)and blankets atreduced prices. 6.It’s a great chance to purchase a new(A.洗衣机 B.微波炉)at half-price. 7.You can pick up(A.民俗的 B.现代的)pottery and artwork at the souvenir shop. 8.All our used cars are checked thoroughly by a qualified(A.汽车的 B.建筑的) engineer. 9.The(A.零售价格 B.批发价格)of the camping gear would be$500,but we offer it at only $400. 2.听录音。选出和所听到的内容一致的答案。 饮食和居住 10.We’d like to invite community representatives to a charity(A.午宴 B.基金活动)at the town hall. 11.Oats and grains are a really important part of a healthy(A.食疗 B.生活). 12.The Health Association of America recommends people eat smaller(A.脂肪 B.量)aldinner: 13.Put all the ingredients in a(A.微波炉 B.锅)and stir until it’s all cooked thoroughly. 1 4.The special tonight is chicken stuffed with herbs and(A.香辛料 B.蔬菜). 15.Be careful that the dye in the(A.衣服 B.帽子)doesn’t run in the wash. 16.Attention,everyone.This is an announcement for the(A.市长B.居民)of Westville. 17.Rather than just(A.处理 B.放置)of waste,the local council recommends peoplerecycle. 18.Do you need to install an automatic(A.车库 B.庭院)door?
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