出版时间:2010-4 出版社:机械工业 作者:尹诚 编 页数:216 字数:408000
准备快速阅读的第一步 Strategy:高考状元们的阅读理解满分秘法 Practice:剖析类型一攻克高考命题热点的阅读训练体系 Interesting:精选丰富的图片和有趣的文章 Advanced Service:阅读的同时巩固语法,提高词汇运用能力
Reading Skill It 是这样制作成的
Section ⅠBasic Reading Strategy 让阅读变得有趣的三个基本技巧
Section Ⅱ Patterns of Paragraph Development可以提高速度的段落结构
1. Identifying the Details
2. Vocabulary & Reference
3. Inference (1)
4. Inference (2)
5. Main Idea
Section Ⅲ Patterns of Paragraph Development可以提高速度的段落结构类型攻略
1.单纯叙述(Simple Flow)
2.原因和结果(Cause & Effect)
3.提示问题点和解决方案(Problem & Solution)
4.比较和对照(Comparison & Contrast)
5.普遍观点和事实(Myth & Truth)
6.Practical Writing
Answer 正确答案
The man looks uncomfortable. He is not speaking. His girlfriend keeps asking him, “What's wrong?Nothing.”he replies each time. You must be familiar with this kind of scene. Romantic comedies and TV dramas often show this kind of relationship problem. Such problems among couples often result from not understanding their partner's communication style. Psychologists have found some basic differences between the sexes in the ways that they communicate. Firstly, women typically prefer to talk about their feeling, while men tend to withdraw. For example, when a couple has a problem, a woman will typically try to solve the problem by talking about it with her partner. A man, on the other hand, is usually more inclined to solve the problem alone. He therefore removes himself from the situation, or tries to get away from the woman to be by himself. Secondly, men and women respond to each other differently. Both men and women are very good at reading their partners' feelings. The difference is in their reactions. Women, psychologists say, are receptive and responsive. This means that they actually feel what their partner is feeling. In contrast, men understand their partners' feelings, but don't actually feel them themselves. For example, if a woman is stressed, her partner will recognize it but won't become stressed. ……
科学的英语阅读方法Reading Skill it!阅读速度提高两倍! ——北京大学 阮一叶 找出文章主旨是快速阅读的关键。推测文章内容,据此快速阅读全文,速度自然会提高两倍。即使不认识单词,也能轻松解题。 ——北京大学 王璐 考试中碰到不认识的单词时保持冷静是非常重要的。一边猜测文中生词的词义,一边阅读,问题自然迎刃而解。能够找出正确答案了 ——清华大学 王馨平 揪着修饰语不放,会浪费很多时间,正确率也随之下降。只有一边找核心内容,一边阅读,才能准确理解全文。