出版时间:2009-10 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:Bjarne Stroustrup 页数:1236
Programming is the art of expressing solutions to problems so that a computer can execute those solutions. Much of the effort in programming is spent finding and refining solutions. Often, a problem is only fully understood through the process of programming a solution for it.This book is for someone who has never programmed before but is willing to work hard to learn. It helps you understand the principles and acquire the practical skills of programming using the C++ programming language. My aim is for you to gain sufficient knowledge and experience to perform simple useful programming tasks using the best up-to-date techniques. How long will that take? As part of a first-year university course, you can work through this book in a semester (assuming that you have a workload of four courses of average difficulty). If you work by yourself, don't expect to spend less time than that (maybe 15 hours a week for 14 weeks).Three months may seem a long time, but there's a lot to learn and you'll be writing your ftrst simple programs after about an hour. Also, all learning is gradual: each chapter introduces new useful concepts and illustrates them with examples inspired by real-world uses. Your ability to express ideas in code - getting a computer to do what you want it to do - gradually and steadily increases as you go along. I never say, "Learn a month's worth of theory and then see if you can use it."
·为编写实际的应用程序做好准备 无论你是为了进行软件开发还是进行其他领域的工作。本书假定你的最终目标是学会编写实际有用的程序。 ·以基本概念和基本技术为重点 与传统的C++教材相比,本书对基本概念和基本技术的介绍更为深入。这会为你编写有用、正确.易维护和有效的代码打下坚实的基础。 ·用现代c++语言编程 本书一方面介绍了通用的程序设计方法(包括面向对象程序设计和泛型程序设计)。另一方面还对软件开发实践中使用最广泛的程序设计语言——C++进行了很好的介绍。本书从开篇就开始介绍现代C++程序设计技术,并介绍了大量关于如何使用C++标准库来简化程序设计的内容。 ·适用于初学者以及任何希望学习新知识的人 本书主要是为那些从未编写过程序的人编写的。而且已经由超过1000名大学一年级新生试用过。不过,对于专业人员和高年级学生来说,通过观察公认的程序设计大师如何处理编程中的各种问题。同样也会获得新的领悟和指引。 ·提供广阔的视野 本书第一部分非常广泛地介绍了基本程序设计技术,包括基本概念、设计和编程技术、语言特性以及标准库。这些内容教你如何编写具有输入、输出、计算以及简单图形显示等功能的程序。本书第二部分则介绍了一些更专门性的内容(如文本处理和测试),并提供了大量的参考资料。
Bjarne Stroustrup英国剑桥大学计算机科学博士,C++语言的设计者和最初的实现者,也是《C++程序设计语言》(已由机械工业出版社引进出版)一书的作者。他现在是德州农工大学计算机科学首席教授。1993年,由于在C++领域的重大贡献,Bjame获得TACM的Grace Murray Hopper大
Preface Chapter 0 Notes to the Reader Chapter 1 Computers, People, and ProgrammingPart Ⅰ The Basics Chapter 2 Hello, World! Chapter 3 Objects, Types, and Values Chapter 4 Computation Chapter 5 Errors Chapter 6 Writing a Program Chapter 7 Completing a Program Chapter 8 Technicalities: Functions, etc. Chapter 9 Technicalities: Classes, etc.Part Ⅱ Input and Output Chapter 10 Input and Output Streams Chapter 11 Customizing Input and Output Chapter 12 A Display Model Chapter 13 Graphics Classes Chapter 14 Graphics Class Design Chapter 15 Graphing Functions and Data Chapter 16 Graphical User InterfacesPart Ⅲ Data and Algorithms Chapter 17 Vector and Free Store Chapter 18 Vectors and Arrays Chapter 19 Vector, Templates, and Exceptions Chapter 20 Containers and Iterators……Part Ⅳ Broadening the ViewPart Ⅴ AppendicesGlossaryBibliographyIndex
插图:The crucial concept here is feedback. We learn from experience and modify our behavior based on what we learn. That's essential for effective software development. For any large project, we don't know everything there is to know about the problem and its solution before we start. We can try out ideas and get feedback by programming, but in the earlier stages of development it is easier (and faster) to get feedback by writing down design ideas, trying out those design ideas, and using scenarios on friends. The best design tool we know of is a blackboard (use a whiteboard instead if you prefer chemical smells over chalk dust). Never design alone if you can avoid it! Don't start coding before you have tried out your ideas by explaining them to someone. Discuss designs and programming techniques with friends, colleagues, potential users, and so on before you head for the keyboard. It is amazing how much you can learn from simply trying to articulate an idea. After all, a program is nothing more than an expression (incode) of some ideas.Similarly, when you get stuck implementing a program, look up from the keyboard. Think about the problem itself, rather than your incomplete solution. Talk with someone: explain what you want to do and why it doesn't work. It's amazing how often you fred the solution just by carefully explaining the problem to someone. Don't debug (find program errors) alone if you don't have to!The focus of this book is implementation, and especially programming. We do not teach "problem solving" beyond giving you plenty of examples of problems and their solutions. Much of problem solving is recognizing a known problem and applying a known solution technique. Only when most subproblems are handled this way will you find the time to indulge in exciting and creative "outof-the-box thinking." So, we focus on showing how to express ideas dearly in code.
《C++程序设计原理与实践(英文版)》:C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup的最新力作。