出版时间:2009-10 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:吕云翔 等编著 页数:186
本书按照最新《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,以大学本科二年级学生Kevin与他的同学在一个酒店管理信息系统的实际项目中进行专业实践,直至经过求职面试进入一个IT企业工作为线索,将IT行业中所需的英语听说读写译基本技能与项目从开始到结束的整个流程有机融合起来,同时涉及计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、计算机网络、数据库、计算机安全、电子商务、系统分析与设计、软件工程等相关知识。 本书包括10章,每章都分为听与说、读与译以及写作部分,听与说部分描绘了软件开发各流程的技术场景,读与译部分给出了软件工程及相关的技术文章,写作部分则重点介绍如何撰写技术/商务文档和技术报告等。 本书注重听、说、读、写、译能力的全面发展,适合作为高等院校本科“计算机英语”课程的教材,也可作为广大技术人员和自学者的参考读物。本书光盘中含有听力录音、课文译文、习题答案、技术文档样例,并为教师提供PPT,需要的教师可登录华章网站(www.hzbook.com)下载。
前言教学建议Unit 1 Starting a Software Project Part 1 Listening&Speaking Dialogue:Starting a Software Project Listening Comprehension:Software Engineering Dictation:Mythical Man—Month&No Silver Bullet Part 2 Reading&Translating Section A:Software Engineering Section B:Computer Hardware Part 3 Simulated Writing:Mem0Unit 2 Capturing the Requirements Part 1 Listening&Speaking Dialogue:Communication with Customers Listening Comprehensi。n:Software Requirements Dictation:The Difference between Customer&End—User Part 2 Reading&Translating Section A:Software Requirements Section B:Computer Software Part 3 Simulated Writing:Software Requi rements SpecificationUnit 3 Planning the Project Part 1 Listening&Speaking Dialogue:Software Project Planning Listening Comprehension:Software Project Planning Dictation:Four Variables in Projects Part 2 Reading&Translating Section A:Software Project Planning Section B:Operating System Part 3 Simulated Writing:Software Project PlanUnit 4 Working lfl a Team Part 1 Listening&Speaking Dialogue:Team Structure- Listening Comprehension:Project Team Dictation:Agile Software Development Part 2 Reading&Translating Section A :Team Structure Section B:Computer Network Part 3 Simulated Writing:PowerPoint PresentationUnit 5 Designing the System Part 1 Listening&Speaking Dialogue:Software Design Listening Comprehension:Software Design Dictation:User Interface Design Part 2 Reading&Translating Section A :Software Design Section B:Database Part 3 Simulated Writing:Software Design SpecificationUnit 6 lmplementing the System Part 1 Listening&Speaking Dialogue:Creating High—Quality Code Listening Comprehension:Writing the Code Dictation:Concentrate on the Vital FewNot the Trivial Many Part 2 Reading&Translating……Unit 7 Testing the system Unit 8 Delivering the SystemUnit 9 Taking an InterviewUnit 10 Beginnin g Your Work 词汇表缩略语表参考文献
插图:A program is a list of instructions that the computer must follow to process data intoinformation. The instructions consist of statements used in a programming language,such as Basic. Examples are programs that do word processing, desktop publishing, orpayroll processing. Programming is a five-step process for creating that lists ofinstructions, as follows:(1) The problem clarification (definition) step consists of six mini-steps-clarifyingprogram objectives and users, outputs, inputs, and processing tasks; studying thefeasibility of the program; and documenting the analysis.(2) To design the solution, one first needs to create an algorithm. An algorithm is aformula or sets of steps for solving a particular problem. In the program design step, thesoftware is designed in two mini-steps. First, the program logic is determined through atop-down approach and modularization, using a hierarchy chart (or structure chart). Thenit is designed in detail, either in narrative form, using pseudocode, or graphically, usingflowcharts. Pseudocode is a method of designing a program using normal human-language statements to describe the logic and the processing flow. Most programmers use a design approach called structured programming. Structured programming takes a top- down approach that breaks programs into modular forms. In structured program design, three control structures are used to form the logic of a program: sequence, selection, and iteration (or loop).(3) Once the design has been developed, the actual writing of the program begins. Writing the program is called coding. Coding is what many people think of when they think of programming, although it is only one of the five steps. Coding consists of translating the logic requirements from pseudocode or flowcharts into a programming language —— the letters, numbers, and symbols that make up the program. A programming language is a set of rules that tells the computer what operations to do. Examples of well- known programming languages are C, C++, and Java. These are called high-level languages.