出版时间:2009-8 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:孙长峰 编 页数:83
教育部新颁布的中学《英语课程标准》(实验稿)对英语听力技能的教学给予了足够的重视,并划分出了不同的教学等级目标,从一级的“听指示做反应”到九级的“听懂英语新闻广播和委婉的建议’’等,要求明确,难度逐步提高。各种版本的英语教科书和各地的英语课堂教学也已经将英语听力作为头等教学任务。这些变化说明“聋哑英语”的时代已经结束,取而代之的将是“交流式英语”的新时代,而“听”是交流的首要基础。 编写意图 超前一步,领先一路。 在近年来各地的高考英语试卷中,听力考查大都占有五分之一的分值。而长期以来,多种因素导致英语听力一直是同学们学英语的瓶颈,并成为绝大多数考生的“失分多发地带”。如何才能突破这个瓶颈?针对这一问题,我们选聘了数十名经验丰富的高三一线教师,依据高考听力测试的要求,精选了新颖独到的素材,旨在对同学们进行有针对性的听力强化训练,以迅速提高英语听辨能力;我们精编了最新高考模拟试题和近两年部分省市高考真题,让同学们提前领略高考,进而从容应对高考,率先步入“交流式英语”的新时代。
本书根据2009年高考英语听力的考题特点,吸收了贴近生活实际的语言材料,在深入研究、分析了2010年的高考趋势后,精心设计编写了10套模拟听力试卷,并精选了12套高考真题。本书另一个重要的亮点是:听力磁带由高考英语全国卷主播Kris Chung和Tushka Bevgen录音,并采用高保真技术录制而成,力求与真实高考听力的语音、语调、语速保持一致,让学生置身于高考英语听力的真实语境之下,真正达到考前热身的目的。
前言2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(一)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(二)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(三)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(四)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(五)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(六)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(七)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(八)2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(九) 2010年高考英语听力全真模拟试卷(十) 2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(全国卷I)2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(全国卷I)2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(北京卷) 2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(天津卷) 2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(湖北卷) 2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(上海卷) 2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(全国卷Ⅰ)2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(北京卷) 2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(上海卷) 2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(天津卷) 2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(湖南卷) 2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(浙江卷) 听力材料参考答案
Text 3 M: Can you help me with these letters? W: Must we do them now? Cant they wait until the morning? M: No. I should have posted them this morning, really. W: Oh, all right then. Text 4 W: Did everybody escape from the fire? M: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody was able to escape. Text 5 W: How much did you spend? M: Not too much. One dollar fifty for an egg and a cup of coffee. Two dollars for each of the three dishes. Text 6 W: Dad, you are learning English in an evening school, arent you? M: Yes, English is very important, you know. W: Didnt you ever learn it when you were a college student? M: Yes. But I have found my English is too limited since I began to work in this company. W: Dont you think you are too old to learn it? M: Oh, no. Im much younger than Marx was when he began to learn Russian in his fifties. Marx never stopped learning foreign languages in his life. W: So he knew many foreign languages, didnt he? M: Yes. He could read all the leading European languages and write in three: German, French and English. He was a man of great talent for language. Text 7 M: Well, what was Colin Boyle, the singer, like? Was he friendly? What did he say? W: He was really friendly. He asked me who I was. M: And what did you say? W: I told him I came from Dublin of course. Then he said that was where he was born, too. Then I told him Id been a fan of his for ages, and he said he was very flattered, and then he asked whether I was going to the concert tonight. So I told him we wanted to, but we hadnt been able to get tickets, because theyd sold all but the most expensive ones and we couldnt afford those. M: And did he give you some tickets? W : No, he didnt. But he did ask the concert hall manager if we could have some at the cheaper price. And the manager said, "Yes !"
英语天天练,能力步步高。 从书上市6年,连续畅销;拥有百万忠实读者,众多一线教师推荐使用。