出版时间:2009-8 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:齐智英 编 页数:179
随着高职教育在我国的大力普及和推广,高职英语教学也越来越受到重视,高职英语教育的改革力度日益加大,并取得了很大成绩,特别是优秀的高职英语教材层出不穷。但我们在近几年的高职英语教学实践中发现,所选教材《英美概况》大多突出内容的系统性和完整性,往往会出现学时不够、教学难度大等问题。因此。我们结合当前高职英语的实际教学需要编写了这本教材。 本教材的特点是:①体现“实用为主,够用为度”的高职英语教学理念,适合高职高专英语专业(商务英语、旅游英语、应用英语)学生和具有同等英语水平的英语学习者使用。②力图符合高职高专学生的实际情况,内容选择最基本的、最实用的英美国家文化背景知识。③以比较的视角进行编写,使学生可以在学习过程中有比较地掌握知识。④英文表达浅显易懂,便于阅读。⑤试图体现学生自主学习的教学思想,每章课后有注释,方便学生自学。⑥每课课后都附有解释题、讨论题和填空题,有助于学生对知识的掌握。 本教材共有10个单元,每单元可用6个学时完成,也可以根据具体教学情况自行安排。 本教材由齐智英担任主编,王冕、罗芳担任副主编,教材的第1、2单元由齐智英编写;第3、4单元由李舒瑜编写;第5单元由陈慧丽编写;第6、9单元由王冕编写;第7、8单元由罗芳编写;第10单元由姚红编写。在编写过程中,我们曾得到高保杰先生、英国专家Steven Luscombe先生的热情帮助。他们为编写工作提出了许多宝贵的建议,并不辞辛苦通审了全书。 由于编写时间和水平有限,本书错误或疏漏之处在所难免,不妥之处,敬祈指导。
本教材依据高等职业教育的培养目标,体现“实用为主,够用为度”的高职英语教学理念,并以比较的视角进行编写,便于学生学习和掌握。全书共分十单元,内容包括英国、美国的历史、地理、政治、经济、文化、教育和社会生活等方面的基本知识。 本教材可作为三年制、二年制高等职业技术学院、高等专科学校、成人教育学院等大专层次的英语专业教材,也可作为广大自学者及英语爱好者的自学用书。
前言Unit One Introduction 1.1 Names of the UKand the USA 1.2 Population of the UK and the USA 1.3 Language of the UK and the USA 1.4 Main Cities of the UK and the USA ExereisesUnit Two Geography 2.1 Locations of the UK and the USA 2.2 Climate of the UK and the USA 2.3 Rivers and Mountains of the UK and the USA ExercisesUnit Three Beginnings of the UK and the USA 3.1 Beginnings of the UK 3.2 Beginnings of the USA ExercisesUnit Four British and American Economy 4.1 Features of the British and American Economy 4.2 British and American Industry 4.3 British and American Agriculture 4.4 British and American Trade and Finance ExercisesUnit Five British and American Culture 5.1 British and American Literature 5.2 British and American Radio and Television 5.3 Sports in Britain and America 5.4 British and American Scenic Spots ExercisesUnit Six British and American Education 6.1 Present Education System of the UK and the USA 6.2 Elementary and Secondary Education of the UK and the USA 6.3 Higher Education of the UK and the USA ExercisesUnit Seven British and American Social Life 7.1 British and American Characters and Customs 7.2 British and American Holidays and Festivals 7.3 British and American Religions ExercisesUnit Eight British and American Political Systems 8.1 Political System of the UK and the USA 8.2 Legislative Body of the UK and the USA 8.3 Executive Body of the UK and the USA 8.4 Judicial Body of the UK and the USA ExercisesUnit Nine British and American Foreign Relations 9.1 British Foreign Relations 9.2 American Foreign Relations ExercisesUnit Ten Significant Events of the UK and the USA 10.1 Significant Events Before World War I 10.2 Significant Events in the Two World Wars 10.3 Significant Events in the Postwar ExercisesAppendixes……
There are many other religious denominations in Britain besides the Church ofEngland and the Nonconformist Churches. There are about 450,000 Jews in Europe. More than half of them live in Lon-don. Jews still tend to marry Jews, for both racial and religious reasons. But amongthe young generation this is happening less and less. The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain is the Cardinal Archbishop ofWestminster. The United Kingdom is divided into eight Catholic provinces, four inEngland, two in Scotland, and one each in Wales and Northern Ireland. Each prov-ince is controlled by an archbishop and is divided into dioceses, each of which isheaded by a bishop. The Churches in Scotland are almost in every respect similar to the Low Churchsection of the Anglican Church. They have a similar kind of service and share thesame apostolic succession (the passing on through bishops and priests of the powersand mission that was handed by Christ to his apostles). The Churches in Wales are Calvinist or Presbyterian. This type of church is ofpurely Welsh origin, drawing its members from a large section of the Welsh-speakingpopulation. It is not an established church, but it is a member of the British Councilof Churches. The Calvinist Church is the Sunday school; adults as well as children goto the church to study the Bible. In England and Scotland only children attend suchschools. There are five main features of the British worship: unity among the churches,social responsibility, the keeping-up with the time, no "Christian" political party anda widespread interest in religion. Religion is playing an increasingly less important role in the social life of Britain.It is of much significance in literature and art, in social life and in Western civiliza-tion.