
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:林燕 编  页数:140  


  随着计算机技术的日益普及,能熟练地阅读计算机专业文献、资料已成为广大计算机从业人员的必备素质。  本书编写的目’的旨在让高职高专学生掌握计算机专业英语的基本词汇及术语,进而提高计算机专业英语的阅读能力,使之具备以英语为工具获取计算机知识的能力。  本书取材广泛,内容安排合理。全书共分7章,涉及计算机基础知识、计算机的硬件组成、计算机软件及应用、程序设计语言、计算机网络、计算机系统维护以及计算机网络安全和病毒防治等,学生完全可以根据所掌握的专业知识和英语词汇准确地理解课文内容。每章之后还精心组织了习题,内容既与课文相呼应,又扩大了学生的知识面。为更好拓展学生的能力,各章还配备了与课文内容相关联的阅读材料,有助于进一步提高学生的阅读能力和扩展相关知识。  本书由上海电子信息职业技术学院林燕担任主编,黑龙江工程学院刘晓红担任副主编,湖南铁道职业技术学院刘帼晖、郑州电力高等专科学校余宁参编。其中,林燕编写了第1、2、5章及第7章的7.1~7.3、7.5节,刘晓红编写了第4章及第6章的6.1~6.4节,刘帼晖编写了第6章的6.5节及第7章的7.4节,余宁编写了第3章,林燕对全书作了统稿工作。  由于时间仓促且作者水平有限,书中难免有疏漏、不足之处,敬请广大读者不吝赐教。


本书共分7章,分别介绍了计算机基础知识、计算机的硬件组成、计算机软件及应用、程序设计语言、计算机网络、计算机系统维护以及计算机网络安全和病毒防治等方面的专业英语知识。选材新颖,实用性强,精编了介绍计算机最新技术及应用的阅读文章,以提高读者计算机专业英语阅读水平。同时,各章后都附有新单词及短语、习题和阅读材料,帮助读者巩固所学知识,拓展知识面。    本书适合作为高职高专院校计算机及相关专业的“计算机专业英语”课程教材,也可以供计算机专业技术人员学习和参考。    为方便教学,本书配备电子课件等教学资源。凡选用本书作为教材的教师均可登录机械工业出版社教材服务网WWW.cmpehu.COB免费下载。如有问题请致信cmpgaozhi@sina.corn或致电010—88379375联系营销人员。


前言Chapter 1  Fundamental Knowledge in Computer 1.1 History of Computer Development 1.2  Computer Architecture 1.3 Main Technical Indexes for Computer   1.4  Main Applications of the Computer 1.5  Trends of Computer Development Reading Material  Introduction of ScannersChapter 2  Foundations of Computer Hardware 2.1 Types of Computer 2.2  Introduction of Microcomputer 2.3 System Unit and Peripheral Devices 2.4  Computer Components Reading Material  Introduction of the Laptop ComputerChapter 3  Software and Its Applications 3.1 What are the Application Software and the System Software? 3.2  Application Software 3.3  System Software Reading Material  Introduction of the Image Editing Software--Photoshop CSChapter 4  Programming Language 4.1 Programming Language Overview 4.2  Visual Basic 6.0 4.3  C Language 4.4  Java Reading Material  DBMS IntroductionChapter 5  Computer Network 5.1 Networks and Their Components 5.2  Local Area Network (LAN) 5.3 Internet and Its Applications Reading Material  The Use of the IP AddressChapter 6  Computer System Maintenance 6.1 Turn-on and Shut-off 6.2  CMOS Setup 6.3 Familiar Screen Information 6.4  Basic Methods of Network Testing 6.5 Network Test Tools Reading Material  Introduction of Basic System MaintenanceChapter 7  Computer Network Safety and Virus Prevention  7.1 General Introduction of the Network Safety  7.2  Data Encryption  7.3  Firewall  7.4  Intrusion Detection  7.5 Computer Virus Prevention Reading Material  The Harmfulness of the Malicious Software and Its Prevention参考文献


  In 1946, the world s first electronic computer, ENIAC (short for Electronic Numerical Inte- grator and Computer) , was made in the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC contained more than 17,000 vacuum tubes and many other components. It was huge in size, but very simple in func- tions compared with todays computers. Its occurrence, however, signified a milestone with deep and persistent influence on human life and society in the future.  The computer development, from the birth of the first electronic computer till present, can be approximately divided into 4 stages in accordance with the major components used in the comput-er.  ( 1 ) Vacuum tube computers  from 1946 when the first computer was successfully made to late 1950s.  The vacuum tube was the key feature of the computers in this period. Machine language or assembly language was used for programming computers, with operation speed from about a few thousand instructions per second to tens of thousands per second.  (2) Transistor computers  from middle 1950s to late 1960s.  The computers in this period used transistors as the major components, with smaller size and lower power consumption, but higher speed and reliability. The magnetic core was popularly used as the main memory while floppy disks and magnetic tapes were used as external storage media. High-level languages, such as COBOL, ALGOL, etc. , were utilized as the programming langua- ges. Operating systems emerged from the software.  (3) Integrated circuit computers-from middle 1960s to early 1970s.  The computers in this period used integrated circuits as the fundamental components. Its size was reduced ; while its power consumption and price were further lowered, and its speed and relia- bility were greatly raised. Semiconductor memory replaced magnetic core memory. Operating sys- tems were improved continually.



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