出版时间:2008-9 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:江涛,孟飞 主编 页数:286
我在美国待了23年,最大的感触就是美国国力的强大。可以说,其国力的强大源于整个国家和民族对于教育的重视和理智,这使得美国无论在科技上还是经济上,都有着源源不断的智力支持。 这23年来,无论是在大学任教,还是从1998年我受聘微软总部研究院,从事自然语言处理,包括中文文法检错、机器翻译等工作,我和我的美国同事们都相处得非常愉快。他们乐观、积极、幽默。无论是课堂讨论,还是brainstorlm(头脑风暴),多数美国人的交流方式或教学方式都是启发式的,不矫揉、不造作,也不让人难为情。 我非常支持祖国当前的号召——建设学习型的国家。中国应该学习国外的先进科学技术、先进管理理念,并借鉴西方的教育模式和方法,而所有的这一切,皆始于学习英语。 我反对把英语学习妖魔化,大多数中国人把英语当做一门知识来学,而英语恰恰如同Dos或是Windows视窗一样,只是一种工具。学习知识,要不厌其精,挖掘越深才越有所得;而掌握一种工具,只有不厌其烦,才能越来越熟练。如果用钻研的态度去研究一种工具,便平添了很大的心理压力,效果自然不佳。 江涛是我回国后所接触的一批年轻人中有朝气、有理想、有激情、敢于实践自己梦想的一个。他和他的同伴有着开阔的视野,充沛的精力,极强的学习能力、团队合作能力和执行能力。更为重要的是,在我看来,他们还有很珍贵的一点——责任心。
江涛,中央人民广播电台“经济之声” “英语大赢家”双语广播节目主持人。原北京外国语大学教师,英国、挪威、荷兰等多国留学背景,从教多年,受中国各大省、市100多所知名高校之邀,演讲千余场,以其极具感染力的幽默激情、坦诚务实、一针见血的风格备受广大学子赞誉。
丛书序前言 父爱的深度 爱似鲜花盛开 地震中的父与子 父亲忘了 父亲节感怀 比尔的小女儿 父亲、儿子与答案 父亲、儿子和我 父子伙伴情 老爸 吻别 我永远的情人节谁言寸草心 那天,我见到了母亲 男孩和树 妈妈的重皇冠 妈妈的手 网络继母 妈妈与孩子 母爱的真谛 那天,妈妈哭了 母亲节为妈妈准备的巴士旅行邻居家的小黑 门口的等候 邻居的狗 人狗之间 阿福告白 我最好的朋友——阿诺德 细鹿在水一方爱的传递附录 中央人民广播电台经济之声覆盖频率后记
The first memory I have of him of anything, really is his strength. It was in the late afternoon in a house under construction near ours. The unfinished wood floor had large, terrifying holes whose yawning darkness I knew led to nowhere good. His powerful hands, then age 33, wrapped all the way around my tiny arms, then age 4, and easily swung me up to his shoulders to command all I surveyed. The relationship between a son and his father changes over time. It may grow and flourish in mutual maturity. It may sour in resented dependence or independence. With many children living in single-parent homes today, it may not even exist. But to a little boy right after World War II, a father seemed a god with strange strengths and uncanny powers enabling him to do and know things that no mortal could do or know. Amazing things, like putting a bicycle chain back on, just like that. Or building a hamster cage. Or guiding a jigsaw so it forms the letter F. I learned the alphabet that way in those pre-television days. There were, of course, rules to learn. First came the handshake. None of those fishy little finger grips, but a good firm squeeze accompanied by an equally strong gaze into the others eyes. "The first thing anyone knows about you is your handshake," he would say. And wed practice it each night on his return from work, the serious toddler in the battered Cleveland Indians cap running up to the giant father to shake hands again and again until it was firm enough. As time passed, there were other rules to learn. "Always do your best." "Do it now." "Never lie!" And most portantly, "You can do whatever you have to do." By my teens, he wasnt telling me what to do anymore, which was scary and heady at the same time. He provided perspective, not telling me what was around the great corner of life but letting me know there was a lot more than just today and the next, which I hadnt thought of.