
出版时间:2008  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:Calvin Lin,Larry Snyder  页数:338  


多核体系结构的出现使得并行程序设计技术对软件工程师和计算机系统设计师变得日益重要。本书着重论述并行计算的基本原理,解释各种现象,并分析为何这些现象是成功进行并行程序设计的机遇或阻碍。  本书是高等院校计算机专业高年级本科生或低年级研究生的理想教科书,同时也是专业程序员从事并行程序设计的理想入门书。  本书内容  以原理第一的原则重点阐述并行计算的基本原理,而不是指导读者“如何”去管理当前商品化的并行计算机。  以原理为背景讨论流行的程序设计语言并论述当代并行计算机编程所使用的工具。..  使用注释框对书中所提及的内容进行饶有兴趣的扩展。  使用定义框对书中关键词和概念进行定义。  每章附有习题,便于读者掌握所论述的概念。  第10章 着重论述可能影响该研究领域未来的当前进展。  第11章 为读者构造实际的并行程序提供第一手的实践经验。


作者:(美国)林(lin.c.) (美国)斯奈德(SNYDER.L.)


PART  1 Foundations   Chapter  1 Introduction     The Power and Potential of Parallelism    Examining Sequential and Parallel Programs    Parallelism Using Multiple Instruction Streams    The Goals: Scalability and Performance Portability    Chapter Summary  Chapter  2 Understanding Parallel Computers    Balancing Machine Specifics With Portability     A Look at Six Parallel Computers    An Abstraction of Sequential Computer     The PRAM: A Parallel Computer Model    The CTA: A Practical ParallelComputer Model    Memory Reference Mechanisms         A Closer Look at Communication    Applying the CTA model     Chapter Summary  Chapter 3 Reasoning about PerformancePART 2 Parallel Abstractions  Chapter 4 First Steps Toward Parallel Programming  Chapter 5  Scalable Algorithmic TechniquesPART 3 Parallel Programming Languages  Chapter 6 Programming With Threads  Chapter 7 MPL and Other Local View Languages  Chapter 8 ZPL and Other Global View Languages  Chapter 9 Assessing the State of the Art RART 4 Looking Forward  Chapter 10 Future Directions In Parallel Programming  Chapter 11 Writing Parallel Programs Glossary References Index


Foundations 1We begin our study of parallel programming by building a solid foundation, The most important goal is to clarify the difference between the sequential and parallel programming worlds. In sequential computing, operations are performed one at a time, making it straightforward to reason about the correctness and performance characteristics of a programming. In parallel computing many operations take place at once, complicating our reasoning about correctness and performance, and as a result, modifying our reasoning about correctness and performance, and as a result, modifying our programming approach. This part explains the main consequences of this distinction.






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