
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:厄尔曼 (Jeffrey D. Ullman);怀德姆 (Jennifer Widom)  页数:565  


本书由美国斯坦福大学知名计算机科学家Jeffrey Ullman和Jennifer Widom合作编写。书中介绍了核心DBMS概念、理论和模型,描述了如何使用抽象语言和SQL查询与更新DBMS。在介绍了SQL扩展内容(包括嵌入式SQL程序设计和对象关系特征)后,又介绍了使用XML的系统。设计语言包括XML模式,查询语言包括XPath和XQuery。


Jeffrey D.UIIman斯坦福大学计算机科学系.Stanford W.Ascherman教授,数据库技术专家。他独立或与人合作出版了15本著作,发表了170多篇技术论文。他的研究兴趣包括数据库理论.数据库集成、数据挖掘和利用信息基础设施进行教育。他是美国国家工程院成员,曾获得Knuth


1  The Worlds of Database Systems  1.1  The Evolution of Database Systems    1.1.1  Early Database Management Systems    1.1.2  Relational Database Systems    1.1.3 Smaller and Smaller Systems    1.1.4  Bigger and Bigger Systems    1.1.5  Information Integration  1.2  Overview of a Database Management System    1.2.1  Data-Definition Language Commands    1.2.2  Overview of Query Processing    1.2.3  Storage and Buffer Management    1.2.4  Transaction Processing    1.2.5  The Query Processor  1.3  Outline of Database-System Studies  1.4  References for Chapter 1Ⅰ  Relational Database Modeling2  The Relational Model of Data  2.1  An Overview of Data Models    2.1.1  What is a Data Model?    2.1.2 Important Data Models    2.1.3  The Relational Model in Brief    2.1.4  The Semistructured Model in Brief    2.1.5  Other Data Models    2.1.6  Comparison of Modeling Approaches  2.2  Basics of the Relational Model    2.2.1  Attributes    2.2.2  Schemas    2.2.3  Tuples    2.2.4  Domains    2.2.5  Equivalent Representations of a Relation    2.2.6  Relation Instances    2.2.7  Keys of Relations    2.2.8  An Example Database Schema    2.2.9  Exercises for Section 2.2  2.3  Defining a Relation Schema in SQL    2.3.1  Relations in SQL    2.3.2  Data Types    2.3.3  Simple Table Declarations    2.3.4  Modifying Relation Schemas    2.3.5  Default Values    2.3.6  Declaring Keys    2.3.7  Exercises for Section 2.3  2.4  An Algebraic Query Language    2.4.1  Why Do We Need a Special Query Language?    2.4.2  What is an Algebra?    2.4.3  Overview of Relational Algeebra    2.4.4  Set Operations on Relations    2.4.5  Projection    2.4.6  Selection    2.4.7  Cartesian Product    2.4.8  Natural Joins    2.4.9  Theta-Joins    2.4.10  Combining Operations to Form Queries    2.4.11  Naming and Renaming    2.4.12  Relationships Among Operations    2.4.13  A Linear Notation for Algebraic Expressions    2.4.14  Exercises for Section 2.4  2.5  Constraints on Relations    2.5.1  Relational Algebra as a Constraint Language    2.5.2  Referential Integrity Constraints    2.5.3  Key Constraints    2.5.4  Additional Constraint Examples    2.5.5  Exercises for Secticn 2.5  2.6  Summary of Chapter 2  2.7  References for Chapter 23  Design Theory for Relational Databases  3.1  Functional Dependencies    3.1.1  Definition of Functional Dependency    3.1.2  Keys of Relations    3.1.3  Superkeys    3.1.4  Exercises for Section 3.1  3.2  Rules About Functional Dependencies    3.2.1  Reasoning About Functional Dependencies    3.2.2 The Splitting/Combining Rule  ……4  High-Level Database Models5  Algebraic and Logical Query Languages6  The Database Language SQL7  Constraints and Triggers8  Views and Indexes9  SQL in a Server Environment10  Advanced Topics in Relational Databases11  The Semistructured-Data Model12  Programming Languages for XMLIndex


4.6.3Using Null Values to Combine RelationsThere is one more approach to representing information ab out a hier ar chy ofentity sets.If we axe allowed to use NULL(the null value aS in SQL)as avalue in t uples,we can h andle a hier archy of entity sets with a single relationThis relation has all the att rib utes b elonging to any entity set of the hierarchy.An entity is then represented by a single tup le.This tuple has NuLL in eachattribute that is not defined for that entity.Example 4.33:If we applied this approach to the diagram of Fig.4.3 1,wewould create a single relation whose schema iS:Movie(title,year,length,genre,weapon)Those movies t hat are not mur der mysteries would have NULL in the weapon comp onent of their tuple.It would also be necessary to have a relation Voicesto connect those movies that are cartoons to t he starts performing the voices,as in Example.






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  •   好书,结构清晰,内容既有深度又能反映目前数据库最新的发展。英文表述好,极易理解!
  •   买完后没怎么用到
  •   数据库老师指定教材,书应该还不错,英文不好的童鞋中英文对照着看吧~
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  •   对数据库开发很有好处
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  •   看看这个英文版的,感觉中文版的翻译不错。
  •   老师推荐使用的教材,写的不错!
  •   课程要求,内容有些章节老师还是补充了
  •   很经典的一本书。老外的书就是好
  •   书的版面很精巧
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  •   读得很畅快,好书!
  •   质量蛮好纸质不错
  •   对RDBMS的实现有非常深入的讲解。好书一本
  •   折扣不错,建议入手。
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