
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:戴云,王育华 等主编  页数:265  字数:328000  


本书共20个单元,供18个教学周使用。每个单元均关注一个社会热点问题或热门话题。本教材将课堂教学与学生的自主学习有效地结合在一起,每个单元包括五个部分:第一部分为对话部分,每一对话设计一定数量的两人或小组活动,旨在提高学生的交际互动能力;第二部分为短文部分,每一短文后设计一定数量的填空和问题,旨在提高学生的听力和交际互动能力;第三部分是相关图片,可以让学生借助本单元所学内容或语料库的材料,对图片进行描述或评论;第四部分为补充材料部分,旨在为学生提供更多的听说读写素材;最后一部分是语料库,旨在帮助学生提高口语表达能力。    本书适合大学本科一、二年级学生使用,同时可作为大学英语四、六级考试及英语自学者的辅导材料。


前言Unit1 Campus LifeUnit2 Schedules and AppointmentsUIlit3 Personal InformationUnit4 Past ExperiencesUnit5 Weather and ClimateUnit6 EntertainmentUnit7 RomanceUnit8 CommunicationUnit9 CrimesUnit10 Gift—givingUnit11 Adventure  Unit12 Famous PeopleUnit13 MysteriesUnit14 MoneyUnit15 Weddings Unit16 GamesUnit17 EmploymentUnit18 City and Country  Unit19 Going AbroadUnit20 Men VS.Women


lead-in passage"Where is the university?"is the question many visitors to Cambridge ask。Butno one could point at any one direction because there is no campus。The universityconsists of 31 self-governing colleges。It has lecture halls,libraries,laboratories,museums and offices throughout the city。Individual colleges choose their own sudents who have to meet their minimum entrance requirements set by the university。And the graduates usually live and study in their colleges but they are taught in very full groups。Lectures and laboratories and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings。There are over ten thousand undergraduates and three thousand five hundred post’graduates?About 40%of them are women and some 8%from overseas。As well as teaching,research is of major importance。



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