
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:卓拉  页数:317  


   这本有创新性的书以Java虚拟机为例介绍了计算机组成及汇编语言的原理,Java虚拟机是一个极为便利、时新,可移植以及几乎到处可得到的平台。    以Java虚拟机实现为基础,本书讲解了数字逻辑和系统。数据表示、计算机组成、体系结构以及汇编语言编程的基本原理。一旦读者在Java虚拟机的范围内彻底理解了这些核心的原理,作者就将这些原理拓展到其他四个最主要的平台:Intel 8088、Pentium 4、Power体系结构及Atmel AVR微控制器。   该书全面反映了IEEE和ACM对于标准的计算机体系结构及组成的二年级课程所做的推荐,同时非常适合作为我国高等院校计算机及相关专业计算机组成课程的教材。   ·计算、表示以及虚拟机的角色。   ·算术表达式:符号表示、存储程序计算机及运算。   ·采用领先的开源Java汇编器jasmin进行汇编语言编程。   ·从if语句和循环到子例程的控制结构。   ·真实的计算机体系结构:优化CPU、存储器及外设。   ·8088、Pentium及Power:比较其组成、体系结构及汇编语言。   ·Pentium和Power体系结构的性能问题,包括流水线。   ·微控制器:组成、体系结构、接口及程序设计。   ·高级Java虚拟机编程:复杂和派生类型,类、继承、类操作、I/O等。   ·附录涵盖了数字逻辑、Java虚拟机指令集、操作代码及类文件格式。


Patrick Juola,科罗拉多大学计算机科学博士,现为迪尤肯大学数学与计算机科学系副教授。他的研究兴趣包括自然语言处理、语言心理学及计算机安全。他曾在牛津大学做博士后,在卡内基-梅隆大学的CERT/CC做访问科学家,在PGP公司做专职科学家。


Preface  Statement of Aims    What    How    For WhomAcknowledgmentsⅠ  Part the First: Imaginary Computers 1  Computation and Representation   1.1  Computation     1.1.1  Electronic Devices     1.1.2  Algorithmic Machines     1.1.3  Functional Components   1.2  Digital and Numeric Representations     1.2.1  Digital Representations and Bits     1.2.2  Boolean Logic     1.2.3  Bytes and Words     1.2.4  Representations   1.3  Virtual Machines     1.3.1  What is a "Virtual Machine"?     1.3.2  Portability Concerns     1.3.3  Transcending Limitations     1.3.4  Ease of Updates     1.3.5  Security Concerns     1.3.6  Disadvantages   1.4  Programming the JVM     1.4.1  Java: What the JVM Isn't     1.4.2  Translations of the Sample Program     1.4.3  High- and Low-Level Languages     1.4.4  The Sample Program as the JVM Sees It   1.5  Chapter Review   1.6  Exercises   1.7  Programming Exercises 2  Arithmetic Expressions   2.1  Notations     2.1.1  Instruction Sets     2.1.2  Operations, Operands, and Ordering     2.1.3  Stack-Based Calculators   2.2  Stored-Program Computers     2.2.1  The fetch-execute Cycle     2.2.2  CISC vs. RISC Computers   2.3  Arithmetic Calculations on theJVM     2.3.1  General Comments     2.3.2  A Sample Arithmetic Instruction Set     2.3.3  Stack Manipulation Operations     2.3.4  Assembly Language and Machine Code     2.3.5  Illegal Operations   2.4  An Example Program     2.4.1  An Annotated Example     2.4.2  The Final JVM Code   2.5  JVM Calculation Instructions Summarized   2.6  Chapter Review   2.7  Exercises   2.8  Programming Exercises 3  Assembly Language Programming in jasmin   3.1  Java, the Programming System   3.2  Using the Assembler     3.2.1  The Assembler     3.2.2  Running a Program     3.2.3  Display to the Console vs. a Window     3.2.4  Using System.out and System.in   3.3  Assembly Language Statement Types     3.3.1  Instructions and Comments     3.3.2  Assembler Directives     3.3.3  Resource Directives  …… 4  Control StructuresⅡ Part the Second: Real Computers  5  General Architecture Issues: Real Computers  6  The Intel 8088 7  The Power Architecture 8  The Intel Pentium 9  Microcontrollers: The Atmel AVR 10 Advanced Programming Topics on the JVMA  Digital LogicB  JVM Instruction SetC  Opcode Summary by NumberD  Class File FormatE  The ASCII TableGlossaryIndex






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