
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:坎宁安  页数:532  


本书系统地介绍了交互式计算机图形学的基础知识和OpenGL图形接口,并通过大量的实例来帮助读者理解OpenGL提供的功能。OperiGL作为一个性能优越的图形应用程序设计接口(API),适用于广泛的计算机环境,它已成为目前的三维图形开发标准,是从事三维图形开发工作的技术人员所必须掌握的开发工具。    本书将算法与应用结合起来,不过分强调计算机图形学领域内的算法与技术细节,也不专注于图像生成应用,而是将图形学视为对图像内容中的几何、外观和表示等属性编程并将编程结果展示在图形输出与交互设备上来生成合成图像的一种科学与艺术。    本书按照计算机图形学的传统顺序——投影处理、视图变换、建模、绘制、光照.明暗处理等来组织内容,并将这些要素都纳入场景图之中。同时,还强调了图形处理流水线。除了基本的图像处理技术,本书还介绍了如何利用计算机图形学来解决实际问题,以及如何更有效地将结果展示给观察者的方法。


Steve Cunningham美国加州大学斯坦尼斯洛斯分校计算机系资深教授,长期从事计算机图形学教学和研究工作。他对计算机图形学理论和OperIGL编程均有很深的造诣,曾经担任ACM SIGGRAPH学会的主席和Eurographics学会教育委员会的主任,多次组织计算机图形学和可视化教学研讨会


PrefaceChapter 0: Getting Started  Visual Communication and Computer Graphics General Concepts in Visual Communication   Use Appropriate Representation for Your Information    Keep Your Images Focused    Use Appropriate Presentation Levels for Your Information    Use Appropriate Forms for Your Information    Be Very Careful to be Accurate with Your Display    Understand and Respect the Cultural Context of Your Audience    Make Your Interactions Reflect Familiar and Comfortable   Relationships Between Action and Effect   3D Geometry and the Geometry Pipeline   The Scene and the View    3D Model Coordinate Systems    3D World Coordinate System    3D Eye Coordinate System    Projections    Clipping    Choosing Perspective or Orthographic Projections    2D Eye Coordinates    2D Screen Coordinates   Appearance   Color    Textures    Depth Buffering   The Viewing Process   Different Implementation, Same Result   Graphics Cards  A Basic OpenGL Program   The Structure of the Mai n O Function on OpenGL    Model Space    Modeling Transformation    3D World Space    Viewing Transformation    3D Eye Space    Projections    2D Eye Space    2D Screen Space  The Science in the Program    Appearance    Another Way to See the Program   OpenGL Extensions  Summary  OpenGL Glossary for the Chapter  Questions  Exercises  Experiments Chapter 1: Viewing and Projection   Introduction  Fundamental Model of Viewing  Definitions   Setting Up the Viewing Environment    Defining the Projection    View Volumes   The Orthographic Projection    The Perspective Projection   Calculating the Perspective Projection    Clipping on the View Volume    Defining the Window and Viewport   Some Aspects of Managing the View   Hidden Surfaces    Double Buffering   Stereo Viewing  Viewing and Visual Communication  Implementation of Viewing and Proiection in OpenGL   Defining a Window and Viewport    Reshaping the Window    Defining a Viewing Environment    Defining a Perspective Projection   ……Chapter 2: Principles of ModelingChapter 3: Implementing Modeling in OpenGL Chapter 4: Mathematics for Modeling ChaDter 5: Color and BlendingChapter 6: Lighting and Shading Chapter 7: Events and Interactive ProgrammingChapter 8: Texture MappingChapter 9: Graphical Problem Solving in ScienceChapter 10: Rendering and the Rendering Pipeline Chapter 11: Dynamics and AnimationChapter 12: High-Performance Graphics Techniques Chapter 13: Interpolation and Spline Modeling ChaDter 14: Nonpolygon GraphicsChapter 15: HardcopyReferences and ResourcesAppendixIndex




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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   这本英文版教材非常好,有500多页,也说明了内容的详细和深度。我还没看到中文版,我怀疑翻译过后的版本可能影响质量,而且中文翻译后,文章框架和表达太严格,不自然。还是英文原版的感觉好些,freestyle。
  •   及时保质,好
  •   入门的不错选择
  •   书不错,很满意,就是书的封面有点卷曲,不过还可以,毕竟从上海送到北京,我已经很满意了。书主要是将OpenGL的,看看也很有帮助
  •   书还不错,内容也很充足,遗憾的是字体小了一点,书是32开的,不太爽
  •   书很便宜 但是就是字太小了
  •   书写的详细,是大师级的著作,但是四级水平确实读不懂专业性强的英文书,估计适合六级水平读,不到火候别买英文原版书,根本读不懂,多数时间是在做一个翻译,而忽略了书的真正内容,各位要注意...
  •   书中印刷的英文字符太小,本人双眼5.0,但阅读起来眼睛仍然非常吃力。抛开内容不谈,英文写的比较生涩。买到此书对本人学习计算机图形学的信心产生了打击。

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