
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:机械工业  作者:戴力农  页数:381  


  《工业设计与艺术设计专业核心基础英语》是一本设计学科的专业英汉双语书。本书分为三个部分,全面覆盖设计的三个主要方向:室内设计、平面设计和工业设计。每个部分的结构又分为三个方面:  基本理论(介绍各专业方向的基本概念、基本原理、主要思想);  专业知识(以设计专业特有的图解方式直观、简洁地将一些常用讵汇表达出来,使图形与词汇、用法建立视觉联系,便于记忆和学习);  专业表现或案例分析(较全面系统地展示工程图纸、文本制作的英文版本书写方法,使设计师学习后马上能用于实践)。  另附有光盘一张,其中有:各章节的中文导读、相关专业的附录图表及词汇总表。本书有大量图解分析,将专业英语学习与视觉化语言相结合,利于记忆和理解,十分适合设计师的学习。由于取材广泛,本书还具有知识覆盖面广、内容比较新、易学易用的特点。可以作为设计院校的教 本书适合高等院校艺术设计和工业设计专业的师生和相关的设计师使用,对于相关学科的从业人员也有较高的参考价值。


Part I Interior DesignSECTION 1 THE BASICS1.1 An Introduction to Interior Design1.1.1 Basic concepts about interior design1.1.2 To be an interior designer1.2 Basic Principles1.2.1 Layout1.2.2 Proportion and scale1.2.3 Symmetry and balance1.3 Color1.3.1 The color wheel and basics1.3.2 Colors for interior design1.4 Lighting1.4.1 Lighting basics1.4.2 Light sources and lighting scheme1.4.3 Lighting design for different rooms1.5 Plants, Furnishing and Accessories1.5.1 Indoor plants1.5.2 Furnishings1.5.3 Decorative accessories and fine art1.6 Style1.6.1 Suitable factor for style1.6.2 Four traditional styles in history1.6.3 Other styles in historySECTION 2 THE SPECIFIC2.1 Furniture Components2.1.1 Fixed furniture components2.1.2 Movable furniture components2.1.3 Furniture and space2.1, 4 Furniture for different rooms2.2 Walls & Ceilings2.2.1 General ideas about walls & ceilings2.2.2 Materials for walls & ceilings2.3 Floorings.2.3.1 Soft flooring2.3.2 Hard flooring2.3.3 Flexible flooring2.4 Openings2.4.1 Doors2.4.2 WindowsSECTION 3 DESIGN PRESENTATION3.1 Sketches3.2 Professional Drawings3.3 Perspective Presentations3.4 Other PresentationsBibliography for Part IPart II Graphic DesignSECTION 1 THE BASICS1.1 An Introduction to Graphic Design1.I.1 Definition of graphic design1.1.2 History of graphic design1.1.3 To be a graphic designer1.1.4 Process before your design1.2 Graphic Design Elements and Principles1.2.1 Graphic design elements1.2.2 Graphic design principles1.3 Color in Graphic Design1.3.1 The power of color1.3.2 Readability and harmony1.3.3 Tricks of using color1.4 Typeface and Page Layout1.4.1 Know about typefaces1.4.2 How to choose an effective font1.4.3 Decisions, decisions, decisions1, 4.4 Page layout techniques1.5 Corporate Identity and Logo Design1.5.1 Stand out from the crowd!1.5.2 Logo design (1)SECTION 2 THE SPECIFICSECTION 3 CASE STUDY OF GRAPHIC DESIGNBibliography foy Part IIPat III Product DesignSECTION 1 THE BASIC THE ORIESSECTION 2 DESIGN CLASSCIFICATION AND ILLUSTRATIONSECTION 3 PROFESSIONAL SKILLSBibliography for Part III




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