
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:机械工业  作者:王群  页数:196  


本书共分7章,分别叙述了模具材料、塑料及其成型模具、冲压技术及模具、锻造工艺及模具、机械加工与特种加工、计算机在模具技术上的应用、模具外贸知识等。该书内容精炼,选材新颖;所有模具均以列进行解说;每课后面附有生词、词组、句例浅析和习题;尤其是第7章所编“模具制造合同”、“模具报价策略和结算方式”等内容,更具有实用价值。本书的结尾还附有精心挑选的常用的模具设计、制造以及外贸专业英语单词及短语。  本书可作为大学“材料成形及控制工程”专业以及高职、高专“模具设计与制造”专业的教材,也可作为模具技术培训教材,还可供企业从事模具设计、制造以及模具外贸的人员参考。


ForewordChapter1 Introductoin of Die & Mold Materials  Lesson1 Steels  Reading Materials(1)The Function of Alloying Elements in Alloy  Lesson2 Heat Trating of Steel  Reading Materials(2)Surface Hardening Chapter2 Plastics Forming and Mold Design  Lesson3 Summary of Plastics  Lesson4 Structure of Plastics  Reading Materials(3)Additives  Lesson5 Classification and Application of Plastics  Reading Materials(4)Average Plastics  Lesson6 Injection Molding   Reading Materials(5)Classificaltion of Plastics Mold   Lesson7 Injection Machine  Lesson8 Representative Structure of Injection Mold  Lesson9 Extrusion Molding   Reading Materials(6)    SectionA Compression Molding     SectionB Transfer Molding     SectionC Blow Molding Chapter4 Press Process and Die Design  Lesson10 Forming of Sheet Metals  Lesson11 Press Process and Product Applications   Lesson12 Classification of Dies  Lesson13 Presses  Reading Materials(7)Drive Mechanisms for Presses  Lesson14 Shear Operation  Reading Materials(8)Structure of Stamping Die  Lesson15 Bending Operation   Reading Materials(9)An Example of Grouping,Piercing and Bending  Lesson16 Drawing Operation  Lesson17 Compound and Progressive Dies  Reading Materials(10)Combination and Compound DiesChapter4 Forging Processes and Die Design  Lesson18 Forging Processes and Die DesignChapter5 Basic and Special Machining   Lesson19 Basic Machine Tool Elements  Reading Materials(11)Turning  Lesson20 Milling    Reading Materials(12)    SectionA Grinding    SectionB Machining Process Selection Factors  Lesson21 Electrical Discharge Machining Chapter6 Application of Computer in Design and Manufacture of Mold & Die   Lesson22 Computers and CAD/CAM  Reading Materials(13)CAD/CAM DefinedChapter7 Quotation and Contract for Mold & Die   Lesson23 Introduction of Quotation for Mold  Reading Materials(14)    SectionA Quotation Strateies and Terms of Payment    SectionB Cumputerised Price Quoting System for Injection Mold Manufacture   Lesson24 Mold Making ContractAppendix Vocabulary References



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