
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:迈耶斯  页数:260  


C++的标准模板库(STL)是革命性的,但是要想学会用好STL却充满了挑战性。中国台湾技术作家侯捷先生曾经把STL的学习过程比喻为三个境界:    第一境界:熟用STL。     第二境界:了解泛型技术的内涵与STL的学理乃至实作。     第三境界:扩充STL。     本书无疑是你达到第二境界的最佳读本。在本书中,C++技术权威Scott Meyers揭示了专家总结的一些关键规则,包括他们总是采用的做法以及总是避免的做法。这些规则可以发挥STL的最大效用。     有些书只是描述STL中有些什么内容,而本书则讲述如何使用STL。本书共有50条指导原则,在讲述每一条指导原则时,Scott Meyers都提供了透彻的分析和深刻的实例,所以读者不仅可以学到要做什么,而且还能够知道什么时候该这样做,以及为什么要这样做。     如同Meyers的其他著作一样,本书充满了从实践中总结出来的智慧。清晰、简明、透彻的风格使本书成为每一位STL程序员的案头必备。     本书特色    ●关于选择容器的建议,涉及的容器有:标准STL容器(例如vector和list)、非标准的STL容器(例如hash_set和hash_map),以及非STL容器(例如bitset)。     ●一些提高效率的技术,通过它们可以最大程度地提高STL(以及使用STL的程序)的效率。   ●深入到迭代器、函数对象和分配子(allocator)的行为,也包括程序员总是应该避免的做法。     ●对于那些同名的算法和成员函数,如find,根据它们行为方式上的微妙差异,本书给出了一些指导原则,以保证它们能被正确地使用。     ●讨论了潜在的移植性问题,包括避免这些移植性问题的各种简单途径。


Scott Meyers,拥有布朗大学计算机科学博士学位,是世界顶级的C++软件开发技术权威之一。他的两本畅销书《Effective C++》和《More Effective C++》开创了技术图书“Effective”式的写作风格。他曾担行《C++ Report》杂志的专栏作家,还经常为《C/C++ Users Journal》和《Dr.


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductonChapter 1: Containers    Item 1: Choose your containers with care.    Item 2: Beware the illusion of container-independent code.    Item 3: Make copying cheap and correct for objects in containers.    Item 4: Call empty instead of checking size() against zero.    Item 5: Prefer range member functions to their single-element counterparts.    Item 6: Be alert for C++’s most vexing parse.    Item 7: When using containers of newed pointers, remember to delete the pointers before the container is destroyed.    Item 8: Never create containers of auto_ptrs.    Item 9: Choose carefully among erasing options.    Item 10: Be aware of allocator conventions and restrictions.    Item 11: Understand the legitimate uses of custom allocators.    Item 12: Have realistic expectations about the thread safety of STL containers.  Chapter 2: vector and string    Item 13: Prefer vector and string to dynamically allocated arrays.    Item 14: Use reserve to avoid unnecessary reallocations.    Item 15: Be aware of variations in string implementations.    Item 16: Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs.    Item 17: Use “the swap trick” to trim excess capacity.    Item 18: Avoid using vector.  Chapter 3: Associative Containers    Item 19: Understand the difference between equality and equivalence.    Item 20: Specify comparison types for associative containers of pointers.   Item 21: Always have comparison functions return false for equal values.    Item 22: Avoid in-place key modification in set and multiset.    Item 23: Consider replacing associative containers with sorted vectors.    Item 24: Choose carefully between map::operator[] and map::insert when efficiency is important.    Item 25: Familiarize yourself with the nonstandard hashed containers.  Chapter 4: Iterators    Item 26: Prefer iterator to const_iterator, reverse_iterator, and const_reverse_iterator.    Item 27: Use distance and advance to convert const_iterators to iterators.    Item 28: Understand how to use a reverse_iterator’s base iterator.    Item 29: Consider istreambuf_iterators for character by character input.  Chapter 5: Algorithms    Item 30: Make sure destination ranges are big enough.    Item 31: Know your sorting options.    Item 32: Follow remove-like algorithms by erase if you really want to remove something.    Item 33: Be wary of remove-like algorithms on containers of pointers.    Item 34: Note which algorithms expect sorted ranges.    Item 35: Implement simple case-insensitive string comparisons via mismatch or lexicographical_compare.    Item 36: Understand the proper implementation of copy_if.    Item 37: Use accumulate or for_each to summarize ranges.  Chapter 6: Functors, Functor Classes, Functions, etc.    Item 38: Design functor classes for pass-by-value.    Item 39: Make predicates pure functions.    Item 40: Make functor classes adaptable.   Item 41: Understand the reasons for ptr_fun, mem_fun, and mem_fun_ref.    Item 42: Make sure less means operator




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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   阅读中,因为是英文版,所以读得要慢一点
  •   这本书实用.
  •   不过感觉没有第一本书名气大,不过如果经常用stl的话,应该好好看看
  •   还算不错的一本书,不过送货的速度有待加强
  •   内容很好,印刷很烂
  •   学C++,还是C++Primer和C++ProgrammingLanguage

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