
出版时间:2006-2  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:崔秀敏 胡智勇  


《简明实用英语》系列教材是根据教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》编写的,包括《简明实用英语——读写教程》、《简明实用英语——听说教程》、《简明实用英语——教师用书》。本书为《简明实用英语——读写教程(第2册)》,本书共有十个单元,每个单元由:Section I.Intensive Reading、Section II.Grammar、Section III.Applied Writing和Section IV.Reading Practice等四部分组成。    本书可作为高职高专三年制或两年制公共英语教学教材,也可作为其他高等院校学生的参考读物。


前言Unit One   Language Learning   Section I.Intensive Reading  The Pleasure of Learning  Section II.Grammar  反意疑问句  Section III.Applied Writing  请求信  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Learnign Foreign Language    Passage 2 How I Became a Successful Language LearnerUnit Two  Job-hunting   Section I.Intensive Reading  Enthusiasm Leads to Success  Section II.Grammar  强调句型  Section III.Applied Writing 求职信  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Eight Ways to Sidestep Hidden Job-hunting Hazards    Passage 2 TOP Ten Tips for Career Fair SuccessUnit Three  Fashion  Section I.Intensive Reading New Fashions in Clothing:The Commerical Exploitation of Women  Section II.Grammar  时态一  Section III.Applied Writing  证明信  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Tom Ford:The King of Cool    Passage 2 Santa Claus :Is a Fickle ThingUnit Four  American Culture   Section I.Intensive Reading  Why People Move to the United States?  Section II.Grammar  时态二  Section III.Applied Writing  推荐信  Section IV.Reading Practice      Passage 1  American Customs and Habits    Passage 2  Table MannersUnit Five  Family Life   Section I.Intensive Reading What do Parents Owe Their Children  Section II.Grammar  时态三  Section III.Applied Writing  投诉信  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 The Other Woman in My Life    Passage 2 A Long Walk HomeUnit Six  EnvironmentaI Protection   Section I.Intensive Reading  Focus on Global Warning  Section II.Grammar  时态四  Section III.Applied Writing  介绍信  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 The Green Lifestyles    Passage 2 Global WarmingUnit Seven  Creativity  Section I.Intensive Reading   Developing Your Personal Creativity  Section II.Grammar  过去将来时  Section III.Applied Writing  简历  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Thought Expanders:A New Thinking Product    Passage 2 People Are Note PegsUnit Eight  AdvertisementUnit Nine  Sports Unit Ten  Political EventsFinal Test参考文献



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