
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:(美)George M  


系统分析与设计(英文版·第2版),ISBN:9787111178422,作者:(美)马拉卡斯 著


作者:(美)马拉卡斯马拉卡斯,堪萨斯大学会计和信息系统系教授,拥有佛罗里达国际大学信息系统博士学位。他讲授系统分析和设计、技术辅助决策、电子商务、管理IS资源、行为IS研究方法、数据可视化和决策支持等课程,具有丰富的教学经验。此外,他还是系统分析方法、数据挖掘和可视化、概念数据建模等领域的活跃研究者。除本书外,他还著有《Decision Support in the 21st Century》和《Modern Data Warehousing,Mining,and Visualization:Core Concepts》等书。


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1 The Systems Development Environment  Introduction SAD-a Disciplined Approach Modern SAD Systems Analysis as a Profession  The Roles and Responsibilities in Systems Development Types of Information Systems and Systems Development The SDLC Alternative Approaches to Development Chapter Summary Key Terminology Questions for Review For Further Discussion References Recommended Reading Chapter 2 So What is the Problem?  Introduction Problems versus Symptoms Bounded Rationality ……Chapter 3 Identification and Slelction of Development Projects Chapter 4 Systems Requirements Determination Chapter 5 Modeling the Processes and Logic Chapter 6 Modeling the Data: Conceptual and Logical Data Modeling Chapter 7 Case Tools and Joint and Rapid Application DevelopmentChapter 8 Moving from Analysis to Design Chapter 9 Designing Systems for Diverse EnvironmentsChapter 10 Designing the Files and Databases Chapter 11 Designing the System Output Chapter 12 Designing the Inputs and User Interface Chapter 13 Designing the Systems Internals Chapter 14 Implementing and Maintaining the System Appendix A Project Management: Process, Techniques, and Tools Appendix B Object-Oriented Analysis and Design  




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