出版时间:2006-1 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:海史密斯 页数:277
Now, one ufthe field's leading experts brings together all tbe knowledge and resources yon need to use APM in your next project. Jim Highsmith shows why APM should be in every manager's toolkit,thoroughly addressing the questions project managers raise about Agile approaches. He systmnatically introduces the five-phase APM ·rainework, then presents specific, proven practices for every project participant.Cuverage includes:·Six principles of Agile project management·ttow to capitalize on emerging new product development technologies·Putting customers at the center of your project, where they belong·Creating adaptive teams that respond quickly to changes in your project's "ecosystem"·WbichprojectswillbenefitfromAPM--audwhichwon't·APM'S five phases: Envision, Speculate, Explore, Adapt,Close·APM practices, including the Product Vision Box and Project Data Sheet·Leveraging your PM1 skills in Agile environments·Scaling APM to larger projects and teams·For every prcoject manager, team leader, and team member 时,引进全美通行的教学辅导书“Schaum's Outlines”系列组成“全美经典学习指导系列”。为了保证这三套丛书的权威性,同时也为了更好地为学校和老师们服务,华章公司聘请了中国科学院、北京大学、清华大学、国防科学大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、南京大学、浙江大学、中国科技大学、哈尔工业学、西安交通大学、中国人民大学、北京航空航天大学、北京邮电大学、中山大学、解放军理工大学、郑州大学、湖北工学院、中国国家信息安全测评认证中心等国内重点大学和科研机构在计算机的各个领域的著名学者组成“专家指导委员会”,为我们提供选题意见和出版监督。
Preface IntroductionChapter 1:The Agile Revolution Innovative Product Development Reliable Innovation Continuous Innovation Product Adaptability Reduced Delivery Scbedules People and Process Adaptability Reliable Results Core Agile Values Responding to Change Working Products Customer Collaboration Individuals and Interactions Agile Project Management Agility Defined The APM Framework Thriving in a Chaordic World Our JourneyChapter 2:Guiding Principles:Customers and Products Herman and Maya The Guiding Principles of Agile Project Management Deliver Customer Value Innovation and Adaptability Planning and Control to Execution Delivery versus Compliance Employ Iterative,Feature-Based Delivery Creating a Better Product Producign Earlier Benefits Progressive Risk Reduction Champion Technical Excellence Customers and ProductsChapter3:Guiding Principles:Leadership-Collaboration Management Management Style The Business of APM Reliable,Not Repeatable Progress Reporting Leadership-Collaboration Management Encourage Exploration Shared Space Encouragement Isn't Enough Build Adaptive (Self-Organixing,Self-Disciplined)Temas Getting the Right People Articualting the Product Vision Encouraging Interaction Participatory Decision Making Insistiong on Accountability Steering,Not Controlling Self-Discipline Simplify Generative Rules Barely Sufficient Methodology Principles to PracticesChapter4:An Agile Project Management Model Principles and Practices An Agile Process Framework Phase:Envision Phase:Speculate Phase:Explore Phasa:Adapt ……Chapter5:The Envision PhaseChapter6:The Speculate PhaseChapter7:The Explore PhaseChapter8:The Adapt and Close PhasesChapter9:Building Large Adaptive TeamsChapter10:Reliable InnovationBibliographyIndex
Now, one of the field's leading experts brings together all tbe knowledge and resources yon need to use APM in your next project. Jim Highsmith shows why APM should be in every manager's toolkit,thoroughly addressing the questions project managers raise about Agile approaches. He systmnatically introduces the five-phase APM ·rainework, then presents specific, proven practices for every project participant.