
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:崔秀敏  页数:176  


《简明实用英语》系列教材是根据教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》编写的,包括《简明实用英语——读写教程》、《简明实用英语——听说教程》、《简明实用英语——教师用书》。本书为《简明实用英语——听说教程(第1册)》,本书共有10个单元,每个单元由Section I.Intensive Reading、Section II.Grammar、Section III.Applied Writing和Section IV.Reading Practice等四部分组成。本书另配有录音磁带和光盘,内容包括每单元的“Previes”、“Test”、“Passage 1”和“Passage 2”的美音阅读。    本书可作为高职高专三年制或两年制公共英语教学教材,也可作为其他高等院校学生的参考读物。


前言Unit One  Foreign Language Leaning  Section I.Intensive Reading  The Study English  Section II.Grammar  The Article  Section III.Applied Writing  English Letter & Envelope  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Active Reading     Passage 2 Helping Remeber New WordsUnit Two  Collage Life  Section I.Intensive Reading  Save Money for Colloge on My Own  Section II.Grammar  Plural of Nouns  Section III.Applied Writing   Calling Card  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 So Much to Learn    Passage 2 What Make a Teacher?Unit Three  Western Holidays  Section I.Intensive Reading  The History of Thanking Day  Section II.Grammar  代词  Section III.Applied Writing  贺卡  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Valentine Traditions and Customs    Passage 2 Santa Claus :The Ture StoryUnit Four  Famous Persons  Section I.Intensive Reading  Jules Verne  Section II.Grammar  数词  Section III.Applied Writing  便条和请假条  Section IV.Reading Practice      Passage 1  Bill Gates-A Story of Success    Passage 2  Bill Gates'11 rullesUnit Five  Studying Abroad  Section I.Intensive Reading  Experience of Studying Abroad  Section II.Grammar  介词和连词  Section III.Applied Writing  传真  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 My First Time in China    Passage 2 A Letter to WangmeiUnit Six  Generation Gap  Section I.Intensive Reading  The Breach  Section II.Grammar  形容词和副词的比较等级  Section III.Applied Writing  电子邮件  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 Generation Gap    Passage 2 It Gets Easier…and then They Leave!Unit Seven  Friendship and Love  Section I.Intensive Reading   Friendship in Different Cultures  Section II.Grammar  动词  Section III.Applied Writing  毕业证书  Section IV.Reading Practice    Passage 1 My Doctor,My Sister,An Encounter with an Angel    Passage 2 Second ChanceUnit Eight  Birth Control and Social ProblemsUnit Nine  Computer and LifeUnit Ten  Music and EntertainmentFinal Test参考文献





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