
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:赵阳  页数:264  字数:421000  


本书共15章,分基础、电气工程、电子工程、信息与计算机工程以及应用与实践共五部分。书中每章后配有词汇和短语、难句注释及一定数量的习题。本书参考国外一些最新出版的教材、专著及科技资料,从实际工作的需要出发,结合了电类专业的特点,语言流畅,图文并茂,“原汗原味”,专业词汇覆盖面广;内容由浅入深,有较强可选性。    本书适合工科类本科生用作“专业英语”课程教材,也可供工程技术人员提高英语阅读能力使用。


Part 1:FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING  Chapter 1 Circuit Theory Fundamentals    Section 1 Kirchoff's Laws    Section 2 Two-terminal Characterization of Elements    Section 3 Voltage Source and Current Source    Section 4 Circuit Elements    New Words and Expressions    Notes    Comprehension  Chapter 2 Electronic Circuits    Section 1 Introduction    Section 2 Semiconductor Devices    Section 3 Operational Smplifiers and Their Applications    Section 4 Diital Circuits    New Words and Expressions    Notes    Comprehension  Chapter 3 Circuit Simulation    Section 1 Syntax of Pspice Circuit Netlist    Section 2 DC Analysis with SPICE    Section 3 AC Analysis with SPICE    New Words and Expressions    Notes    ComprehensionPART 2:ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING  Chapter 4 Electric Machinery……  Chapter 5 Industry Electric Control  Chapter 6 PLC Device and Application  Chapter 7 Typical EMI FiltersPART 3:ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING  Chapter 8 MOS Transistor  Chapter 9 Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic System  Chapter 10 EMC inside the PCBPART 4:INFORMATION AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING  Chapter 11 Computer  Chapter 12 Introduction to Signal Processing  Chapter 13 Modern Communication TechnologiesPART 5:APPLICATION AND PRCTICE  Chapter 14 Scattering Parameter(S-Parameter)Measurement  Chapter 15 User's Guide for Electric and Electronic Products参考文献



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  •   还好,有些常用的单词,不过不够全面

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