
出版时间:2000-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:张玲 编  


本书以目前国外最新的计算机原版教材和计算机技术文章为基础编写。内容覆盖了计算机概述、计算机基础、计算机硬件、软件、计算机程序、软件工程、数据通信、网络、多媒体、计算机安全、电子商务等内容。本书每章内容包括课文、词汇、科技英语语法、练习、参考译文和阅读材料几部分。这些都有利于提高读者阅读计算机英语文献的水平,同时也帮助读者掌握大量的专业词汇。    本书可作为大专院校计算机及IT相关专业的专业英语教材使用,也可作为广大IT业技术人员的学习参考书。


出版说明前言Patr 1 Fundamentals of Computers  Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers    1.1 Inception of Computers    1.2 History of Computers    1.3 The Five Generations of Computers    1.4 Types of Computers    New Words and Phrases    computer Terms    Grammar专业英语概述    Exercises    Reference Translation    Reading Materials     The Great ENIAC  Chapter 2 Computer System Basics    2.1 The Von Neumann Model of the PC    2.2 Computer System Basics    New Words and Phrases    computer Terms    Grammar英汉翻译基础    Exercises    Reference Translation    Reading Materials     Who Invented the Computer?  Chapter 3 Computers Architecture    3.1 The Motherboard    3.2 Memory    3.3 CPU    3.4 Input and Output    New Words and Phrases    computer Terms    Grammar词汇的理解与表达    Exercises    Reference Translation    Reading Materials     Mass Storage-Future Trends  Chapter 4 Input and Output Devices  Chapter 5 CPU  Chapter 6 Building a ComputerPart 2 Computers Software  Chapter 7 Computer Software Dasics  Chapter 8 System Software  Chapter 9 Application Software  Chapter 10 Computer Programming  Chapter 11 Software EngineeringPart 3 Computer Application  Chapter 12 Data Communication  Chapter 13 Computer Networks  Chapter 14 Internet  Chapter 15 Multimedia  Chapter 16 Data Securty  Chapter 17 Electronic Commerce  Chapter 18 Computer Graphics参考文献



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