
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:古鲁  页数:681  


本书简明易懂,贴近读者,深受广大师生欢迎。    本书包含许多实例、问题、章末小结和适当的背景材料。书中首先介绍静电磁场和静磁场的基本概念,继而讲解麦克斯韦尔方程、电磁传播、电磁传输和电磁辐射。另外,还增加了关于有限元法和有限差分法的章节以及关于史密斯圆图的详细附录。


BHAG SINGH GURU 凯特灵大学电子与计算机工程系教授、IEEE会员,发表过30多篇关于旋转电机和电磁场的论文,并与他人合写过两本著作。
HUSEYIN R·HIZIROGLU 凯特灵大学电子与计算机工程系教授、IEEE高级会员,受到多项联合国发展计划资助,在IEEE讨论会和学报上发表


1 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Field Concept  1.3 Vector Analysis  1.4 Differential and Integral Formulations  1.5 Static Fields  1.6 Time-Varying Fields  1.7 Applications of Time-Varying Fields  1.8 Numerical Solutions  1.9 Further Study 2 VECTOR ANALYSIS  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Scalar and Vector Quantities  2.3 Vector Operations  2.4 The Coordinate Systems  2.5 Scalar and Vector Fields  2.6 Differential Elements of Length, Surface, and Volume  2.7 Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals  2.8 The Gradient of a Scalar Function  2.9 Divergence of a Vector Field  2.10 The Curl of a Vector Field  2.11 The Laplacian Operator  2.12 Some Theorems and Field Classifications  2.13 Vector Identities  2.14 Summary  2.15 Review Questions  2.16 Problems 3 ELECTROSTATICS  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Coulomb’s Law  3.3 Electric Field Intensity  3.4 Electric Flux and Electric Flux Density  3.5 The EIectric Potential  3.6 Electric Dipole  3.7 Materials in an Electric Field  3.8 Energy Stored in an EIectric Field  3.9 Boundary Conditions  3.10 Capacitor and Capacitance  3.11 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations  3.12 Method of Images  3.13 Summary  3.14 Review Questions  3.15 Problems 4 STEADY ELECTRIC CURRENTS  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Nature of Current and Current Density  4.3 Resistance of a Conductor  4.4 The Equation Of Continuity  4.S Relaxation Time  4.6 Joule’s Law  4.7 Steady Current in a Diode  4.8 Boundary Conditions for Current Density  4.9 Analogy Between D and J  4.10 The Electromotive Force  4.11 Summary  4.12 Review Questions  4.13 Problems 1 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Field Concept  1.3 Vector Analysis  1.4 Differential and Integral Formulations  1.5 Static Fields  1.6 Time-Varying Fields  1.7 Applications of Time-Varying Fields  1.8 Numerical Solutions  1.9 Further Study  2 VECTOR ANALYSIS  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Scalar and Vector Quantities  2.3 Vector Operations  2.3.1 Vector Addition  2.3.2 Vector Subtraction  2.3.3 Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar  2.3.4 Product of Two Vectors  2.4 The Coordinate Systems  2.4.1 Rectangular Coordinate System  2.4.2 Cylindrical Coordinate System  2.4.3 Spherical Coordinate System  2.5 Scalar and Vector Fields  2.6 Differential Elements of Length, Surface, and Volume  2.7 Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals  2.8 The Gradient of a Scalar Function  2.9 Divergence of a Vector Field  2.10 The Curl of a Vector Field  2.11 The Laplacian Operator  2.12 Some Theorems and Field Classifications  2.13 Vector Identities  2.14 Summary  2.15 Review Questions  2.16 Problems  3 ELECTROSTATICS  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Coulomb’s Law  3.3 Electric Field Intensity  3.3.1 Electric Field Intensity Due to Charge Distributions  3.4 Electric Flux and Electric Flux Density  3.4.1 Definition of Electric Flux  3.4.2 Gauss’s Law  3.5 The EIectric Potential  3.6 Electric Dipole  3.7 Materials in an Electric Field  3.8 Energy Stored in an EIectric Field  3.9 Boundary Conditions  3.10 Capacitor and Capacitance  3.11 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations  3.12 Method of Images  3.13 Summary  3.14 Review Questions  3.15 Problems  4 STEADY ELECTRIC CURRENTS  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Nature of Current and Current Density  4.3 Resistance of a Conductor  4.4 The Equation Of Continuity  4.S Relaxation Time  4.6 Joule’s Law  4.7 Steady Current in a Diode  4.8 Boundary Conditions for Current Density  4.9 Analogy Between D and J  4.10 The Electromotive Force  4.11 Summary  4.12 Review Questions  4.13 Problems 5 MAGNETOSTATICS6 APPLICATIONS OF STATIC FIELDS7 TIME-VARYING ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS8 PLANE WAVE PROPAGATION9 TRANSMISSION LINES10 WAVEGUIDES AND CAVITY RESONATORS11 ANTENNAS12 COMPUTER-AIDED ANALYSIS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSAPPENDIX A SMITH CHART AND ITS APPLICATIONS APPENDIX B COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR VARIOUS PROBLEMSAPPENDIX C USEFUL MATHEMATICAL TABLES INDEX




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  •   嘟嘟英文原版书,对看英文文献有很大帮助滴
  •   挺好的原版书
  •   这本书理论体系非常清楚,概念很清晰,条理也很好
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  •   基础书,编写的不错
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  •   质量很好,内容是英文的,慢慢看
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  •   学习电磁场与电磁波这本教材不错
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  •   只是我没有时间去仔细读
  •   很全面的书籍
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  •   书还挺好的,没有缺页漏页的,只是上边的字迹太多了
  •   经典好书,内容多而详细
  •   书写的非常好,里面的英语也很好懂,基本上英语4级水平就可以没有压力的看完了。内容方面,条理清晰,且提供了很多例题和解决方法,对于理解文中内容有很大帮助。
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