出版时间:2005-1-1 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:John Shawe-Taylor,Nello Cristianini 页数:462
模式分析是从一批数据中寻找普遍关系的过程。它逐渐成为许多学科的核心,从神经网络到所谓句法模式识别,从统计模式识别到机器学习和数据挖掘,模式分析的应用覆盖了从生物信息学到文档检索的广泛领域。 本书所描述的核方法为所有这些学科提供了一个有力的和统一的框架,推动了可以用于各种普遍形式的数据(如字符串、向量、文本等)的各种算法的发展,并可以用于寻找各种普遍的关系类型(如排序、分类、回归和聚类等)。 本书有两个主要目的。首先,它为专业人员提供了一个包容广泛的工具箱,其中包含各种易于实现的算法、核函数和解决方案。许多算法给出了MATLAB编码,可适用于许多领域的模式分析任务。其次,它为学生和研究人员提供了一个方便的入门向导,去了解基于核的模式分析这个迅速发展的领域。书中举例说朋了如何针对新的特定应用手工写出一个算法或核函数,同时还给出了为完成此任务所需的初步方案及数学工具。 本书分三部分。第一部分介绍了这个领域的基本概念,书中不仅给出了一个展开的入门例子,而且还阐述了这种方法的主要理论基础。第二部分包含了若干基于核的算法,从最简单的到较复杂的系统,例如核偏序最小二乘法、正则相关分析、支持向量机、主成分分析等。第三部分描述了若干核函数,从基本的例子到高等递归核函数、从生成模型导出的核函数(女IIHMM)和基于动态规划的串匹配核函数,以及用于处理文本文档的特殊核函数。 本书适用于所有从事模式识别、机器学习、神经网络及其应用(从计算生物学到文本分析)的研究人员。
John Shawe-Taylor英国南安普敦大学计算机科学系教授。1986年在伦敦大学皇家勒威学院获得博士学位。他的主要研究领域包括:神经网络、机器学习、信息论、算法理论、机器视觉、语言处理、触觉处理等。他还是NeuroCOLT学会欧洲组的成员,发表过大量技术论文。
Nello C
List of code fragmentsPrefacePart I Basic concepts 1 Pattern analysis 1.1 Patterns in data 1.2 Pattern analysis algorithms 1.3 Exploiting patterns 1.4 Summary 1.5 Further reading and advanced topics 2 Kernel methods: an overview 2.1 The overall picture 2.2 Linear regression in a feature space 2.3 Other examples 2.4 The modularity of kernel methods 2.5 Roadmap of the book 2.6 Summary 2.7 Further reading and advanced topics 3 Properties of kernels 3.1 Inner products and positive semi-definite matrices 3.2 Characterisation of kernels 3.3 The kernel matrix 3.4 Kernel construction 3.5 Summary 3.6 Further reading and advanced topics 4 Detecting stable patterns 4.1 Concentration inequalities 4.2 Capacity and regularisation: Rademacher theory 4.3 Pattern stability for kernel-based classes 4.4 A pragmatic approach 4.5 Summary 4.6 Further reading and advanced topicsPart II Pattern analysis algorithms 5 Elementary algorithms in feature space 5.1 Means and distances 5.2 Computing projections: Gram-Schmidt, QR and Cholesky 5.3 Measuring the spread of the data 5.4 Fisher discriminant analysis I 5.5 Summary 5.6 Further reading and advanced topics 6 Pattern analysis using eigen-decompositions 6.1 Singular value decomposition 6.2 Principal components analysis 6.3 Directions of maximum covariance 6.4 The generalised eigenvector problem 6.5 Canonical correlation analysis 6.6 Fisher discriminant analysis II 6.7 Methods for linear regression 6.8 Summary 6.9 Further reading and advanced topics 7 Pattern analysis using convex optimisation 7.1 The smallest enclosing hypersphere 7.2 Support vector machines for classification 7.3 Support vector machines for regression 7.4 On-line classification and regression 7.5 Summary 7.6 Further reading and advanced topics 8 Ranking, clustering and data visualisation 8.1 Discovering rank relations 8.2 Discovering cluster structure in a feature space 8.3 Data visualisation 8.4 Summary 8.5 Further reading and advanced topicsPart III Constructing kernels 9 Basic kernels and kernel types 9.1 Kernels in closed form 9.2 ANOVA kernels 9.3 Kernels from graphs 9.4 Diffusion kernels on graph nodes 9.5 Kernels on sets 9.6 Kernels on real numbers 9.7 Randomised kernels 9.8 Other kernel types 9.9 Summary 9.10 Further reading and advanced topics 10 Kernels for text 10.1 From bag of words to semantic space 10.2 Vector space kernels 10.3 Summary 10.4 Further reading and advanced topics 11 Kernels for structured data: strings, trees, etc. 11.1 Comparing strings and sequences 11.2 Spectrum kernels 11.3 All-subsequences kernels 11.4 Fixed length subsequences kernels 11.5 Gap-weighted subsequences kernels 11.6 Beyond dynamic programming: trie-based kernels 11.7 Kernels for structured data 11.8 Summary 11.9 Further reading and advanced topics 12 Kernels from generative models 12.1 P-kernels 12.2 Fisher kernels 12.3 Summary 12.4 Further reading and advanced topicsAppendix A Proofs omitted from the main textAppendix B Notational conventionsAppendix C List of pattern analysis methodsAppendix D List of kernelsReferencesIndex