
出版时间:2004-1-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:方振宇  页数:231  字数:197000  




Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain      and Northrm Lreland Chapter 1 Land and People Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Chapter 6 The Economy  Chapter 7 Government and Administration Chapter 8 Justice and the Law Chapter 9 Social Affairs  Chapter 10 Cultural AffairsPart Two The Republic of lreland Chapter 11 Geography and History Chapter 12 Ireland TodayPart Three The United States of America Chapter 13 Geography Chapter 14 Population,Race and Ethnic Groups Chapter 15 American History(Ⅰ) Chapter 16 American History(Ⅱ) Chapter 17 American History(Ⅲ)            in Post-W.W. Ⅱ Era Chapter 18 The Economy Chapter 19 Political Institutions Chapter 20 Education Chapter 21 Literature,Architecture and Music Chapter 22 Holidays and FestivalsPart Four Canada Chapter 23 Geography and History Chapter 24 The Economy Chapter 25 Government and Politics Chapter 26 Society and CulturePart Five Australia Chapter 27 Land and People Chapter 28 Australian History(Ⅰ)            Australia to Federation Chapter 29 Australian History(Ⅱ)            Australia Since Federation Chapter 30 The Economy Chapter 31 Government and Politics Chapter 32 Society and CulturePart Six New Zealand Chapter 33 The Making of New Zealand Chapter 34 New Zealand Today



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