
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:N Rao  


本书涵盖了机械制造的基本内容,着重讲述了机械制造工程及自动化专业学生的必备知识,其内容几乎涉及工科院校的每个学生。    本书包括绪论、金属切削、机床概述、车床及其加工、往复运动机床及其加工、铣床及其加工、孔加工、磨削加工、其他机床及其加工、非传统加工工艺(特种加工)、机床测试、面向加工的设计(切削加工结构工艺性)、平面加工、计量学机床数学控制等内容。    本书每章后都附有习题,便于学生自学。    本书可作为机械制造技术基础、金属工艺学(冷加工部分)和机械制造基础(冷加工部分)的教材或教学参考书。


出版说明序1 INTRODUCTION  1.1  Material Removal Processes  1.2  Types of Machine Tools2 METAL CUTTING  2.1  Chip Formation  2.2  Shear Zone  2.3  Orthogonal Cutting  2.4  Shear Angle and Its Relevance  2.5  Cutting Tool Materials  2.6  Thermal Aspects  2.7  Tool Wear and Tool Life  2.8  Suface Finish  2.9  Cutting Fluids   2.10  Empirical and Analytical Determination of Cutting Forces  2.11  Economics  References  Review Questions  Problems3 MACHINE TOOLS  3.1  Classification of Machine Tools  3.2  Generation and Forming  3.3  Methoods of Generating Surfaces  3.4  Accuracy and Finish Achievable  3.5  Basic Elements of Machine Tools  3.6  Support Structures  3.7  Guideways  3.8  General Work Holding Methods  Review Questions4 CENTRE LATHE  4.1  Introduction   4.2  Constructional Features of a Centre Lathe  4.3  Aise for Support and Location  4.4  Ctuuing Tools  4.5  Operations Performed in a Centre Lathe  4.6  Taper Turning Methods  4.7  Thread Cutting Methods  4.8  Special Attachments  4.9  Machining Time and Power Estimation  4.10  Typical Set-ups  Review Questions  Problems5 SPECIAL PURPOSE LATHES  5.1  Limitations of a Centre Lathe  5.2  Capstan and Turret Lathes  5.3  Automatic Lathes  5.4  Tooling Layout and CAM Design for Automatic Lathes6 RECIPROCATING MACHINE TOOLS  6.1  Shapter   6.2  Planer  6.3  Slotter  Review Questions  Problems7 MILLING  8 HOLE MAKING OPERATIONS9 ABRASIVE PROCESSES10 OTHER MACHINE TOOLS11 UNCONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES12 MACHINE TOOL TESTING 13 DESIGNING FOR MACHINING14 PROCESS PLANNING 15 METROLOGY16 NUMERICAL CONTROL OF MACHINE TOOLSBibliography Index读者反馈表



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