
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:里斯  页数:1248  




出版说明 序 CHAPTER 1 Preludes CHAPTER 2 A Mathematical Toolbox CHAPTER 3 Kinematics I CHAPTER 4 Kinematics II CHAPTER 5 Newton's Laws of Motion CHAPTER 6 The Gravitational Force and the Gravitational Field CHAPTER 7 Hooke's Force Law and Simple Harmonic Oscillation CHAPTER 8 Work,Energy,and the CWE Theorem CHAPTER 9 Impulse,Momentum,and Collisions CHAPTER 10 Spin and Orbital Motion CHAPTER 11 Solids and Fluids CHAPTER 12 Waves CHAPTER 13 Temperature,Heat Transfer,and the First Law of Thermodynamics CHAPTER 14 Kinetic Theory CHAPTER 15 The Second Law of Thermodynamics CHAPTER 16 Electric Charges,Electrical Forces,and the Electric Field CHAPTER 17 Electric Potential Energy and the Electric Potential CHAPTER 18 Circuit Elements,Independent Voltage Sources,and Capacitors CHAPTER 19 Electric Current,Resistance,and dc Circuit Analysis CHAPTER 20 Magnetic Forces and the Magnetic Field CHAPTER 21 Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction CHAPTER 22 Sinusoidal ac Circuit Analysis CHAPTER 23 Geometric Optics CHAPTER 24 Physical Optics CHAPTER 25 The Special Theory of Relativity CHAPTER 26 An Aperitif:Modern Physics CHAPTER 27 An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics EPILOGUE APPENDIX A Proofs of the Gravitational Shell Theorems A.1 Answers to Problems A.5 Quotations Index 1.1 Reference Index 1.2 General Index 1.7 Credits C.1




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