出版时间:2003-7 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:爱克哈德 页数:621
《时代教育国外高校优秀教材精选:机器与机构设计(英文版)》突出了机械的设计,以矢量分析为基础,特别是强调了利用计算机进行设计与分析。主要内容有:机器与机构运动学设计的基本概念,刚体平面运动,曲柄滑块机构,铰链四杆机构,速度匹配机构,急回机构,广义四杆机构,多环与多杆机构,机构综合的定性方法,双矢量综合与机构的计算机辅助综合,齿轮机构,齿轮与轮系,机构的力、力矩与静平衡,机构的力、力矩与动平衡。 《时代教育国外高校优秀教材精选:机器与机构设计(英文版)》可供高校工科院校使用,也可作为机构工程技术人员的参考书。
序出版说明List of ProceduresPrefaceHow to Use This BookAcknowledgmentsChapter 1 Basic Concepts and Definitions1.1 Introduction1.2 Kinematics and Kinematic Design1.3 Machines and Mechanisms1.4 Properties of Rigid Bodies1.5 Rigid Body Position and Degrees of Freedom1.6 Displacements in Three-Dimensional Space1.7 Joined Rigid Bodies in Three-Dimensions:Degrees of Freedom1.8 Number of Degrees of Freedom to Be Used in a Machine1.9 Practical Degrees of Freedom versus Computed Degrees of Freedom1.10 Planar Motion and Rigid Body Degrees of Freedom1.11 Displacements in Planar Motion1.12 Joints and Their Effects on Planar Motion:Degrees of Freedom1.13 Computed Degrees of Freedom versus Practical Degrees of Freedom1.14 Kinematic InversionChapter 2 Rigid Body Planar Motion2.1 Introduction2.2 Position and Displacement of a Point2.3 Position and Displacement of a Rigid Body2.4 Velocity of a Point and Some Vector Differentiation2.5 Velocity of a Rigid Body2.6 Acceleration of a Pooint2.7 Acceleration of a Rigid BodyChapter 3 Crank-Slider Mechanisms3.1 Introduction3.2 The Scotch Yoke3.3 Synthesis of the Scotch Yoke3.4 Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of the Scotch Yoke3.5 The In-Line Crand-Slider Linkage3.6 Position Analysis and Synthesis of the In-Line……Chapter 4 Pin-Jointed Four-Bar LinkagesChapter 5 Inverted Crank-Slider Mechanisms,Velocity Matching Mechanisms,and Quick-Return MechanismsChapter 6 The General Four-Bar LinkageChapter 7 Multiloop Linkages and Other Linkages with More than Four LinksChapter 8 Qualitative Approaches ot Linkage SynthesisChapter 9 Dyad Synthesis and Computer-Aided Synthesis of LinkagesChapter 10 CamsChapter 11 Gears and Gear TrainsChapter 12 Forces,Torques,and Static BalancingChapter 13 Forces,Torques,and Dynamic BalancingIndex