
出版时间:1999-03  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:沃尔兰德(美)  页数:336  


ContentsPreface xiChapter 1 Introduction to Communication Netw orks 1.1 What Are Communication Networks?  1.2 Why Should You Learn about Communication Networks?  1.3 What Should You Learn about Communication Networks? 1.4 Evolution of Communication Networks  1.5 Organization of the Book  Summary Chapter 2 The Way Networks Work  2.1 Ethernet  2.2 Internet  2.3 Asynchronous Transfer Mode  2.4 Network Architecture 2.5 Complement 1: Insights behind the Information Revolution Summary  Problems  References Chapter 3 Internet  3.1 A Brief History  3.2 Architecture  3.3 Names and Addresses  3.4 Internet Protocol  3.5 End-to-End Transmission 3.6 Complement 1: Link Protocols  3.7 Complement 2: Analysis of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm  3.8 Complement 3: Other Routing Algorithms  3.9 Complement 4: IPv6  3.10 Complement 5: Multicast Routing  Summary  Problems ReferencesChapter 4 Local Area Networks Chapter 5 Asynchronous Transfer Mode Chapter 6 Data Link Layer and Retransmission Protocols Chapter 7 Physical Layer Chapter 8 Security and Compression Chapter 9 Performance Evaluation and Monitoring Appendix A Probability Appendix B Queues and Networks of Queues Appendix C Communication Principles Appendix D References




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