
出版时间:2001-6  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:管俊杰编  页数:136  字数:214000  


本书由科普篇、技术基础篇、专业篇、应用篇及附录等五部分组成。科普篇包括物理学、机器人、计算机基础、现代通讯及地铁自动化等内容;技术基础篇包括金属材料及热处理、力学、热加工、机械原理及机械零件等内容;专业篇包括金属切削机床、加工工艺、金属切削原理与刀具、机床的液压传动、机床夹具、量具、冷冲模、机床的数字控制、成组技术及计算机集成制造系统等内容;应用篇包括数控机床操作面板、机电产品说明书、合同等内容;附录包括科技英语的特点、英汉科技翻译基础知识、常见应用文的特点、英文机械图样用语及总词汇表等。全书共二十六课52篇文章。每课除一篇课文之外,还有一篇与课文内容相关的阅读材料。    本书的特点是:1)与基础英语的衔接性好;2)文章内容覆盖面比较宽,阅读材料丰富,专业词汇比较全面;3)难度适当;4)实用性较强。    本书适合于作为机械类中专学生的专业英语教材,也可供机械类大专学生及机械工程专业技术人员学习参考。


前言Part Ⅰ Science  Lesson 1 Forces Have both Magnitude and Direction    Reading Material Weight and Mass  Lesson 2 Robots    Reading Material Applications of Industrial Robots  Lesson 3 About Electricity    Reading Material Switches and Fuses  Lesson 4 Basic Components of a Digital Computer    Reading Material Multimedia Information Superhighway  Lesson 5 America on Wheels    Reading Material the World's First Completely Automatic RailwayPart Ⅱ Basis  Lesson 6 Stress and Strain    Reading Material Factor of Safety  Lesson 7 Plain Carbon Steels    Reading Material Aluminum  Lesson 8 Annealing and Normalizing of Plain Carbon Steels    Reading Material Hardening and Tempering of Plain Carbon Steels  Lesson 9 Sand Casting    Reading Material Forging  Lesson 10 Soldering and Brazing    Reading Material Adhesives  Lesson 11 Shafts    Reading Material Sliding Bearings and Rolling-Element BearingsPart Ⅲ Speciality  Lesson 12 Lathes    Reading Material Methods of Holding Work in a Lathe  Lesson 13 Drillpresses    Reading Material Drills and Drill Holders  Lesson 14 Milling Machines    Reading Material Milling Cutters  Lesson 15 Cylindrical OD Grinders    Reading Material Grinding fluids  Lesson 16 Hydraulic Systems of Machine Tools    Reading Material Safety Valves  Lesson 17 Turning Tools    Reading Material Grinding Wheels  Lesson 18 Jig Types    Reading Material Bushing Types and Applications  Lesson 19 How to Read a Vernier    Reading Material Gage Blocks  Lesson 20 Die Cutting Operations    Reading Material Types of Dies  Lesson 21 Basic Components of an NC System    Reading Material the Advantages of NC  Lesson 22 Applications of Numerical Control    Reading Material Types of NC Systems  Lesson 23 Group Technology    Reading Material Computer-Integrated ManufacturingPart Ⅳ Application  Lesson 24 FANUC Series 15M Operator's Manual    Reading Material FANUC System Operation Unit-CRT/MDI Panel  Lesson 25 Miniature Electronic Calculator Operation Manual    Reading Material Apart of a Recorder Operation Instuction (Counter for Deck 2)  Lesson 26 Agency Agreement    Reading Material ContractPart Ⅴ Appendix  Appendix A 科技英语的特点  Appendix B 英汉科技翻译基础知识  Appendix C 英语应用文的特点  Appendix D 英文机械图样用语  Appendix E Vocabulary参考文献





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