出版时间:1998-12-01 出版社:机械工业出版社 作者:John M.Nicholas
1. Roce without a finish line
PART 1 Continuous improvement , waste elimination , customer focus
2. Fundamentals of continuous improvement
3. JIT:Volue added and waste elimination
4. TQM:Customer-focused quality
PART 2 Elements of lean production
5. Small-lot production
6. Setup-time reduction
7. Maintaining and improving equipment
8. Pull production systems
9. Focused factories and group technology
10. Work cells and cellular manufacturing
11. Standard operations
PART 3 Quality products , quality processes
12. Quality of design
13. Quality inspection and statistical sampling
14. Statistical process control
15. Systems for eliminating defects
PART 4 Simplified production planning and control
16. Scheduling for smooth flow
17. Synchronizing and balancing processes
18. Planning and control in pull production
PART 5 Beyond the production system
19. Managing the supply chain
20. Activity-based costing
21. Performance measurement : making bean counting relevant
Appendix MRP-Based production planning and scheduling