
出版时间:1998-12  出版社:机械工业  作者:Richard M.Levich  




PART 1	Introduction and Overvies
1. Introduction to Study of International Financial Markets
2. An Overview of International Monetary Systems and Recent Developments in International Financial Markets
PART 2 Foreign Exchange Markets
3. Market Structure and Institutions
4. International Parity Conditions:Purchasing Power Parity
5. International Parity Conditions:Interest Rate Parity and the Fisher Parities
6. Spot Exchange Rate Determination
7. Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency
8. Exchange Rate Forecasting
PART 3 Offshore Financial Markets
9. The Eurocurrency Market
10. The Eurobond Market
PART 4 Derivative Security Markets:Futures,Options,and Swaps
11. Currency and Interest Rate Futures
12. Currency and Interest Rate Options
13. Currency and Interest Rate Swaps
PART 5 International Asset Portfolios
14. Bond Portfolios
15. Equity Portfolios
PART 6 International Asset Portfolios and Financial Risk Management
16. Measuring and Managing the Risk in International Financial Positions
PART 7 Regulatory Lssues
17. Giving Direction to International Financial Markets:Regulation and Intervention in the Competitive Marketplace



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